English Collection


cheek by jowl

2017年03月14日 | 英語の本を読む

Mary Higgins Clarkの "Before I Say Good-Bye" を読んでいます。
Adam, on his first visit there, had laughingly commented that Gert's apartment was like her mind: busy, eclectic and somewhat fey. "No one else would have art deco lacquer cheek by jowl with rococo fantasy," he said.
"cheek by jowl" の "jowl" は "jaw" と似ていますが、別物でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: The lower part of a person's or animal's cheek, especially when it is fleshy or drooping.: She had a large nose and heavy jowls.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the loose skin and flesh under the jaw: a bloodhound with heavy jowls (= loose folds of skin and flesh on the lower parts of its face)
顎の肉、皮膚を示しているようですが、そうなると "jowl" が頬のそばにあるのは当たり前なので引用個所の "cheek by jowl" は何やら別の意味がありそうです。辞書をよく見ると "cheek by jowl" と言う慣用句がありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Close together; side by side.: The houses were packed cheek by jowl along the coast.
・Collins Dictionary: If you say that people or things are cheek by jowl with each other, you are indicating that they are very close to each other.: She and her family have to live cheek by jowl with these people.
ところで引用文に出てきた "fey" も知らない単語なので調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Having supernatural powers of clairvoyance.: The key to her salvation is the fascinating combination of her fey powers with her steadfastly mortal mind.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: mysterious and strange, or trying to appear like this: He dismissed her later poems as fey and frivolous.

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