English Collection


not on your life

2018年02月02日 | 英単語

He told him where the skipper wanted to go, and the boy stepped along the bridge. Red prepared to follow him.
"Don't fall in," said Neilson.
"Not on your life."
この口語的な表現 "Not on your life" は何か他の小説でも見かけた気がしますがこの際にしっかりと覚えたいと思います。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Said to emphasize one's refusal to comply with a request.: ‘“I want to see Clare alone.” “Not on your life,” said Buzz’
・Collins Dictionary: If someone says 'Not on your life', they are totally rejecting a suggestion that has been made.: 'You should have given him a lift.'?'In that condition? Not on your life!'
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to consider valuable, trustworthy, or worthwhile
・Cambridge English Dictionary: said as a way of strongly refusing someone's suggestion or request: "So you're going to bring Kev, are you?" "Not on your life!"

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