English Collection


high touch

2013年01月26日 | 英語学習

ところでハイタッチは英語かと思っていましたが、英語の "high touch/high-touch" には次ぎの様な別の意味があるそうです。
Dealing with a human being instead of a computer screen or voice response system. The term was coined in the early 1980s by John Naisbitt in his best-selling book "Megatrends." Naisbitt pointed out the fallacy of automating every business transaction without human interaction at some point.
では日本語で言うハイタッチを英語で何と言うかと言うと、"high five" が正解で、 Macmillan Dictionaryの説明は: the action of holding your hand up and hitting your palm flat against that of another person, when you meet them or as a way of congratulating them

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