English Collection



2013年01月25日 | 英語学習
2001 A Space Odysseyを読んでいます。
Then, towed behind her at the end of the safety line, appeared a spacesuit. One glance was enough to tell Bowman the worst. There was no mistaking the flaccid outlines of a suit that had lost its pressure and was open to vaccuum.
今日はこの "flaccid" を覚えたいと思います。
・Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary: not firm or stiff; also : lacking normal or youthful firmness: flaccid muscles
・Cambridge English Dictionary: soft and weak; not firm: flaccid skin: a politician’s flaccid remarks
・Vocabulary.com: If something is limp, loose, droopy, and wrinkly, you can call it flaccid, which rhymes with "acid." Think elephant skin, soggy asparagus, and the type of feeble handshakes frowned on in job interviews.
We get the word flaccid from the Latin flaccus, which meant "flabby." The meaning is pretty much the same today, though it applies to more than physical flab. Flaccid pops up in conversation to describe lackluster leadership, dull conversation, and even feeble attempts at word definitions. If a politician's election campaign is flaccid, it will surprise no one that he only receives two votes ? one from his grandmother and the other from someone who accidentally checked the wrong box on the ballot.
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