English Collection



2012年04月18日 | 英語学習
MURDER BEFORE DAWNと題されたReader's Digest 3月号の記事はニュージーランドのDunedinで起きた完全殺人が二人の医者のお陰で計画殺人であったと証明された話でした。
After his post-mortem failed to find any direct cause of death, the pathologist decided to check back with the authorities. But successive calls to Dunedin police got him nowhere. Frustrated, he buttonholed a constable at the mortuary and learned that police knew nothing of the rumours of Annette's poisoning.
"post-mortem" とか "mortuary" はサスペンスや探偵物でお馴染みの単語ですが、私の関心は "buttonhole" です。 「ボタンの穴」が動詞として使われていて、やはり事件物に良く出てくる "constable" に/と(?)何をしたと言うのだろうか? 辞書を見るしかありません。
・Collins English Dictionary: to detain (a person) in conversation: As Bob tried to sort out the situation revellers continued to buttonhole him, asking the way to Victoria station-and the loo!
・Vocabulary.com: detain in conversation by or as if by holding on to the outer garments of; as for political or economic favors: She would be on hand, speaking and buttonholing elected officials on many issues, including reckless driving and pedestrian dangers.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to stop someone and make them listen to you: Greg buttonholed me about sales figures when I came out of the meeting.
・Random House Unabridged Dictionary: to hold by the buttonhole or otherwise abruptly detain (someone) in conversation: The reporter tried to buttonhole the mayor for a statement on the bus strike.
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