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2017-05-21 | 伝統派 十世会

SSPX: Rebellion Among the Faithful in Paris

On May 10th the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) sacked eight leading priests of the French district for having signed a statement critical of the SSPX's position concerning a recognition of SSPX marriages by the Vatican. Among them was Father Patrick de la Rocque, until then the priest in charge of Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet in Paris, perhaps the biggest SSPX parish.

Last Sunday before the homily the superior of the French district, Father Christian Bouchacourt, read a statement in Saint Nicolas justifying the measure. While he spoke, a third to half of the audience temporarily left the church as a sign of protest, according to contre-info.com. Another dozen started singing a decade of the rosary underneath the pulpit, which caused a minor dispute.

According to contre-info.com the gap between the leadership of the SSPX and its French clergy, which predominantly is hostile to a non-doctrinal rapprochement with Rome, still seems profound.

