

プッチーニ《トゥーランドット》「誰も寝てはならぬ」 デル・モナコ(1)

2024年04月26日 | クラシックベスト158選
プッチーニ《トゥーランドット》「誰も寝てはならぬ」 デル・モナコ(1)

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/26)

2024年04月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
32206.be struck by (~に驚かされる)
I'm struck by the vibrant atmosphere.
32207.come into play (作用し始める)
Artificial intelligence will increasingly come into play in various industries. 
32208.first and foremost(何よりもまず)used to emphasize the most important quality, purpose, reason etc 
First and foremost, they are looking for ways to save money. 
32209.exquisite(絶妙な)extremely beautiful and very delicately made 
 Experience the extraordinary three-dimensional display quality and the exquisite sound..
32210.revlutionize (革命を起こす)to completely change the way people do something or think about something 
Advances in medical technology have revolutionized patient treatment. 


2024年04月25日 | 美しき日本の歌

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/25)

2024年04月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
32201.that way (あちらです)if two or more people get along, they have a friendly relationship 
The bus stop is that way
32202.countless (数えきれない)too many to be counted 
There are countless examples.
32203.speechless(言葉にならない)unable to speak because you feel very angry, upset etc 
Is this present for me? I'm speechless.
32204.priceless (貴重な)fextremely valuable 
 Surfing is In Hawaii was a priceless experience.
32205.tap(タップする )
Well, here’s the ticket gate. Just tap your smartphone. 


2024年04月24日 | 爺英語

NHK has learned at least 10 entries in a Japanese book report contest have been excluded for using sentences written with artificial intelligence.
The organizers say they received about 2.6 million entries from primary and high school students but identified multiple works that used AI technology in their writing. They've excluded them from the contest, as application guidelines stipulate   works should not contain plagiarized material or other improper citations.
Generative AI is expected to have a positive impact on education, including for proofreading and sharpening ideas. The organizers say they plan to consider how AI can be used in tandem with the principle that students write book reports in their own words.
stipulate  規定する、定める   
plagiarize  盗用する 
proofreading 校正 
in tandem with ~とともに、~と協力して

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/24)

2024年04月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
32196.I believe  (おそらく〜だと思う )
I believe he had some kind of family emergency. 
32197.splurge (散財する)to spend more money than you can usually afford 類義語 splash out 
When was the last time you splurged on something?  
32198.spend a fortune  (大金を使う)
He must've spent a fortune renovating his house. 
32199.get mad at someone  (~を叱る)
 My boss got angry at me for being late. 
32200.yell at someone  (~をを怒鳴りつける  )
I got yelled at by my wife for coming home late. 


2024年04月23日 | 方丈記を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/23)

2024年04月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
32191.hardly ever  (滅多に〜しない )not very often 
I hardly ever eat fast food. The last time I had McDonald's was about 10 years ago. 
32192.Every now and then (時々)sometimes, but not often or regularly 
I eat ice cream every now and then. I get a sudden crave. 
32193.More often than not (普段は/大抵 )if two pieces of computer equipment of software are compatible, they can be used together, especially when they are made by different companies 
More often than not, he shows up about 10 minutes late. 
32194.almost always (ほぼ必ず)
I almost always floss my teeth before I go to bed. 
32195.I'm good  (大丈夫です)
I'm good. I'm getting by somehow. Thanks for the offer though. 

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

2024年04月22日 | JAZZ
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/22)

2024年04月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
32186.on the fence  (迷う )
I'm on the fence about signing up to online English lessons. 
32187.A ways to go  (まだまだ道のりは長い )if two people click, they like, understand, and agree with each other 
I feel like my English is improving, but I still have a ways to go. 
32188.go down  (まっすぐ進む)
Go down this street and the bank will be on your left hand side. .
32189.take part in  (~に参加する / 〜に出場する )
 Why don’t you take part in this game? It’s really fun. 
32190.throw in  (おまけする)to add something to what you are selling, without increasing the price 
If you buy 3 shirts, I'll throw in an extra shirt for free. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/21)

2024年04月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
32181.yawn (欠伸)to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply because you are tired or bored 
Yawn is contagious.
32182.asleep (眠って、死んだようになって、不活発になって、しびれて )i sleeping OPP awake /an arm or leg that is asleep has been in one position for too long, so you cannot feel it properly 
You were asleep when I called, weren’t you?
32183.soundly((眠る状態が)ぐっすり、深く、(打撃などの状態が)ひどく、徹底的に、正しい判断で、正しく、堅実に )if you sleep soundly, you sleep deeply and peacefully 
I’ve never been able to asleep soundly on a plane.
32184.insomnia (不眠症)if you suffer from insomnia, you are not able to sleep 
 How long have you been suffering from insomnia
32185.depreciate (価値を低下する )to decrease in value or price OPP appreciate 
If the yen keeps depreciating, some Japanese businesses might start going under. 

一日一生 愛蔵版

2024年04月20日 | 読書日記

酒井雄哉(さかい ゆうさい) 




Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/20)

2024年04月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
32176.surefire (確実な、かならずうまくいく)certain to succeed 
There’s only one surefire way to lose weight: eat less and exercise more. 
32177.chuckle to laugh quietly 
My boss always chuckles at his own jokes. 
32178.punchline(冗談や話のオチ)having two of something or two parts 
So...the joke is over? That was the punchline?
32179.hook up (繋ぐ、接続する、特別な目的のために会う)a temporary connection between two pieces of equipment such as computers, or between a piece of equipment and an electricity or water supply
Can I hook up a smartphone to my TV?
32180.bridge(橋を架ける、間を埋める)a tall cup used for drinking tea, coffee etc 
Bridging gap between supply and demand is challenging. 

プッチーニ 《トスカ》 「星は光りぬ」 ルチアーノ・パヴァロッティ

2024年04月19日 | クラシックベスト158選
プッチーニ 《トスカ》 「星は光りぬ」 ルチアーノ・パヴァロッティ

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/19)

2024年04月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
32171.soul (魂、精神)the part of a person that is not physical, and that contains their character, thoughts, and feelings. Many people believe that a person’s soul continues to exist after they have died. → spirit 
Do you think plants have a soul?
32172.spiritual (示す、記念する)to make someone or something better so that they reach the necessary standard 
You don't need to be religious to be spiritual. 
32173.fundamental(根源的な、基本的な)relating to the most basic and important parts of something/ very necessary and important 
This movie raises fundamental questions about who we are.
32174.clarity (明確さ、明晰さ)the clarity of a piece of writing, law, argument etc is its quality of being expressed clearly → clear 
Watching the ducks in the pond, I had a moment of clarity
32175.assurance(保証、確信,自信)a promise that something will definitely happen or is definitely true, made especially to make someone less worried 
You have my assurance that you'll get our money back.