

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 雄略天皇 22

『日本書紀』雄略天皇 22



In response, King Mimana sent Kashiwade no Omi Ikaruga, Kibi no Omi Onashi, and Naniwa no Kishi Akameko to assist Silla.

Before Kashiwade no Omi and his group arrived at their camp, the soldiers of Goguryeo(高句麗) were already afraid. Kashiwade no Omi and his men prepared for a sudden attack and confronted the Goguryeo forces, holding their ground for more than ten days. During the night, they dug tunnels and transported their supplies, preparing for a surprise attack.

At dawn, the Goguryeo forces thought Kashiwade no Omi and his men had fled, so they mobilized all their troops to pursue them. At that moment, Kashiwade no Omi's forces launched a surprise attack, attacking from both sides and achieving a great victory. This marked the beginning of the enmity between Goguryeo and Silla.

Kashiwade no Omi spoke to Silla, saying, "Your country, being very weak, has fought against a very strong nation. If the army of Japanese Office in Mimana(Imna任那) had not come to your aid, you would have surely been conquered. From now on, you must never defy the Imperial Court."



膳臣斑鳩(かしわでのおみいかるが)とその一行がまだ陣地に到着する前に、高句麗(こうくり)の兵士たちはすでに恐れていました。膳臣斑鳩(かしわでのおみいかるが)たちは急襲のできるよう備えを整え、高麗(こま)軍と対峙して守ること十日余り、夜のうちに地下道を造って輜重(しちょう 軍隊の荷物)を送り、奇襲を狙った。




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