

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 雄略天皇 23

『日本書紀』雄略天皇 23



In the ninth year of his reign, in the spring, on the first day of February (kōshi), Ōshikōchi no Atai Katabu and a court lady (uneme) were sent to perform a ritual for the god of Munakata. When Katabu arrived at the sacred site, just as he was about to start the ceremony, he violated the court lady.

When the emperor heard of this, he said, "One must be reverent when praying to the gods for blessings."

He then sent Naniwa no Hitaka no Kishi to execute Katabu, but Katabu fled and was nowhere to be found. The emperor then sent Yuge no Muraji Toyoho to search throughout the provinces, counties, and districts. Finally, Katabu was found and captured in Aihara, Mishima County, and was executed.





令和6年7月13日(土) 2024

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