

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 応神天皇 11

『日本書紀』応神天皇 11




In the fifteenth year during the autumn, in the eighth month on the day of Renxu (first day of the lunar month) and Dingmao, the king of Baekje(百済) sent Achiki, offering two fine horses. These were then raised in the stables on the slope of Karu in Yamato, with Achiki being appointed to oversee their care, hence the place where the horses were raised came to be called Umaya-saka (Stable Slope). Achiki was also proficient in reading the classics, and thus became the teacher of the Crown Prince Uji no Wakiiratsuko.

The Emperor asked Achiki if there were scholars superior to him, to which Achiki replied, “There is a man named Wang In(王仁) who is outstanding.” At that time, descendants of the upper Kamitsuke no Kimi , Aratawake and Kamunagiwake, were sent to Baekje to summon Wang In. Achiki is known as the progenitor of the Achiki clan.

In the sixteenth year during spring, in the second month, Wang In arrived. He then taught Crown Prince Uji no Wakiiratsuko, who studied various classics under Wang In and understood them thoroughly. Wang In is regarded as the ancestor of the Fumi no obito (scribe).





令和6年4月10日(水) 2024

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