

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 雄略天皇 27

『日本書紀』雄略天皇 27




On the first day of July in autumn, it was reported from the province of Kawachi (河內国).

“A man named Tanabe no Fuhito Hakuson (田辺史伯孫) from Asukahe County (飛鳥戸郡) has a daughter who is married to Fumi no Obito Karyou (書首加竜) from Furuichi County (古市郡). Hakuson heard that his daughter had given birth to a son, so he went to congratulate his son-in-law’s family and returned home under the moonlight. At the foot of Mount Ichibiko, near the Tomb of Emperor Ojin (誉田陵), he encountered a man riding a red horse. The horse moved like a dragon and suddenly dashed like a great bird. It was distinct and magnificent in form.

Hakuson, wanting the horse, spurred his own gray horse to ride alongside it. However, the red horse swiftly outpaced him, becoming a distant speck. Hakuson's horse fell behind and could not keep up. The rider of the red horse, noticing Hakuson's desire, stopped and exchanged horses with him, then bid him farewell. Hakuson, delighted with the red horse, took it to his stable, removed the saddle, fed it, and went to sleep.

The next morning, the red horse had turned into a clay horse figurine. Astonished, Hakuson returned to the tomb and found his gray horse among the clay horses. He took back his gray horse and replaced it with the clay horse.”

On the fourth day of September in autumn, Musano Sugi Aoi (身狹村主靑) arrived in Tsukushi (筑紫) with two geese offered by Wu (呉).

These geese were killed by the dog of Mizuma no Kimi (水間君). Afraid and sorrowful, Mizuma no Kimi, unable to remain silent, offered ten cranes and bird caretakers to atone for the offense. The Emperor accepted this.

On the seventh day of October in winter, the bird caretakers offered by Mizuma no Kimi were settled in the villages of Karu (軽村) and Iware (磐余村).


「飛鳥戸郡(おおかべのこおり)の田辺史(たなべのふひと)伯孫( はくそん)という男の娘が古市郡(ふるいちのこおり)の書首(ふみのおびと)加竜(かりょう)と結婚していました。伯孫は娘が男の子を産んだと聞いて、娘の夫の家に祝いに行き、月明かりの夜に帰りました。誉田陵(ほむたのみささぎ 応神天皇陵)の近くの蓬蔂(いちびこ)の丘の下で、赤馬に乗った男に出会いました。その馬は竜のように蛇行し、急に鴻(おおとり)のように駆け出しました。普通の馬とは違って優れた姿をしていました。

秋の九月四日、身狹村主(むさのすぐり)青(あおい)が呉が献上した二羽の鵝(鵞鳥)を筑紫に持って行きました。その鵝は水間君(みずまのきみ)の犬に噛まれて死んでしまいました。水間君は恐れ、心配し、黙っていられず、鴻(ひしくい 大鳥)十羽と養鳥人(とりかいびと)を献って、罪を贖うことを願った。天皇は許された。

令和6年7月17日(水) 2024

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