

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 雄略天皇 26

『日本書紀』雄略天皇 26





The King of Baekje(百済) heard about the disagreements among the Japanese generals over minor issues. He sent a messenger to Kanishi no Sukune and others, saying, "I would like to show you the borders of my country. Please, come and visit." As a result, Karako no Sukune and the others rode together to the location. When they arrived at the river, Oiwa no Sukune gave his horse water to drink from the river. At that moment, Karako no Sukune, from behind, shot an arrow at the saddle of Oiwa no Sukune's horse. Oiwa no Sukune, surprised, turned around and shot back, causing Karako no Sukune to fall into the middle of the river and die. Because of the rivalry and disorder among these three ministers, they did not reach the palace of the King of Baekje and returned instead.

Uname no Ōshiama accompanied the funeral procession of Komi no Sukune back to Japan. She sorrowfully appealed to Ōtomo no Muroya no Ōmuraji, saying, "I do not know where to bury him. Please help me find a suitable place." Ōmuraji conveyed this to the Emperor. The Emperor issued a decree, stating, "The great general Kino Komi no Sukune, who rose like a dragon and gazed like a tiger, pacified the world. He defeated the rebels and brought peace to the four seas. He labored across great distances and ultimately died in the Three Han(三韓). We should mourn and honor him by providing an appropriate burial site.  Let us send a burial rite officer to mourn his loss. Additionally, you, Ōtomo no Maetsukimi, and Kino Maetsukimi have long been close neighbors." 

Following the Emperor's decree, Ōmuraji instructed Haji no Muraji Kotori to construct a tomb in Tawano Village and to bury him there. Ōshiama, overjoyed, could not remain silent. She sent six individuals to Ōmuraji: Karanoyatsuko Muro, Emaro, Otomaro, Mikura, Okura, and Hari. This marked the beginning of the household in Kashimada Village of Kibikami.

Separately, Okahi no Sukune, who had followed the funeral of Kino Komi no Sukune, stayed behind in Tsunokuni. He sent Yamatoko no Muraji to present the Yata no Kagami to Ōtomo no Ōmuraji, requesting, "I cannot continue serving the imperial court along with Kino Maetsukimi. Therefore, I ask to remain in Tsunokuni." Consequently, Ōmuraji reported this to the Emperor, who allowed him to stay in Tsunokuni. This was the beginning of the Tsuno ministers settling in Tsunokuni and being called Tsuno ministers from then on.








令和6年7月16日(火) 2024

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