

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 神功皇后 17

『日本書紀』神功皇后 17




Shima no Sukune, along with his attendants Niwa Ya and a person from Takujun named Kako, were sent to the kingdom of Baekje to express their regards to its king. King Shouko of Baekje was greatly pleased and treated them very well. He gave Niwa Ya five bolts of multicolored silk, a decorated bow with horns, and forty pieces of iron.

Furthermore, the king opened his treasury to show them various rare items, saying, “Our country has many treasures. I wish to offer them to your noble country, but I do not know the way. Even though I have the will, I cannot fulfill it. However, now that I have messengers, let me take this opportunity to present some to you.” Niwa Ya accepted the gifts and returned to inform Shima no Sukune, who had returned from the country of Takujun.

In the summer of the forty-seventh year, in the fourth month, the King of Baekje sent emissaries Kutei, Mitsuru, and Makuko to pay tribute. At that time, emissaries from the country of Silla, carrying tribute, also arrived with Kutei.

The Empress Dowager and Crown Prince Homutawake were overjoyed and said, “Have the people of the countries our late king longed for finally come? It’s truly regrettable that he is not alive to see this.” All the ministers were moved to tears.






令和6年3月23日(土) 2024

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