

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 天の岩戸 4 ≪改訂版≫

『日本書紀』 天の岩戸 4 ≪改訂版≫




According to one account, after this, the fields of the Sun Goddess were in three places, named Tenandai, Tenheidai, and Tenominae, all of which were good fields, unaffected by heavy rains or drought. As for the fields of Susanoo no Mikoto, there were also three, named Amenoki, Amekawa-ita, and Amenokogarita, all rocky lands that flooded when it rained and parched during droughts. Therefore, Susanoo no Mikoto envied his sister’s fields and in spring, he damaged the irrigation ditches, filled the furrows, destroyed the ridges, and replanted seeds. In autumn, he argued over boundaries by staking claims in the fields and let horses trample the crops. These malicious deeds never ceased. However, the Sun Goddess remained undisturbed, constantly forgiving with grace and tolerance.

When the Sun Goddess secluded herself in the Heavenly Rock Cave, the other gods sent Nakatomi no Kamako and Ko no Toji no Furugomori to coax her out. Then, Ko no Toji no Furugomori dug up a true sakaki tree from Mount Takakura, hung mirrors on its upper branches to create the Yata no Kagami, hung jewels on the middle branches to create the Yata no Kagami no Iwakura no Okuninushi no Toyokumono, and hung hemp fabric woven by the loom of the Awa Province to create a spacious area. He then handed this to the Awa Province Chief Nakatomi no Kamako to present, with a generous and honorable statement. At that time, the Sun Goddess heard this and said, “Recently, many have made requests, but none have been as beautifully spoken as this.” She slightly opened the rock door and peeked out. At that moment, Amenotadikarao no Mikoto, who had been hiding by the door, pulled it open, and the Sun Goddess’s radiance filled the entire realm.


〔一書に曰く〕ある説によれば、その後、日の神の田地が三つの場所にあり、それぞれ「天安田(あまのやすだ)」、「天平田(あまのひらた)」、「天邑幷田(あまのむらあわせだ)」 と呼ばれており、これらはすべて肥沃な畑で、大雨や干ばつにも影響を受けなかったとされています。一方、素戔嗚尊(すさのおのみこと)の田地も三か所あり、それぞれ「天幾田(あまのいくた)」、「天川依田(あまのかわよりだ)」、「天口銳田(あまのくちとだ)」 と呼ばれ、これらはいずれも痩せた土地で、雨が降れば水浸しになり、干ばつになると荒廃しました。そのため、素戔嗚尊は姉の田を妬み、春には用水路を壊し、溝を埋め、畔を破壊し、再び種をまいたりしました。秋には田に境界石を立てて領有権を主張し、馬を放って作物を荒らしました。これらの悪意ある行為は決して止むことはありませんでした。しかし、日の神は怒ることはなく、常に優れた寛容さで許していたと言われています。



令和5年10月26日(木) 2023

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