

ChatGPTさんの『古事記』英訳 6 ≪改訂版≫

『古事記』英訳 6 ≪改訂版≫



And then, at the time she returned to the seat, gave birth to Kibi no Kojima, also called Takehi no Okami. Next, she gave birth the island of Shodo Shima, also called Onohotate no Me. Next, she gave birth the island of Ojima, also called Ootama no Furuwake. From Tadashino to Nagare they were named according to sounds. Next, she gave birth the island of Megushima, also called Amanoikane. The term 'ama' means 'heaven.' Next, she gave birth the island of Chihajima, also called Amenominakanushi. Next, she gave birth the island of Futagishima, also called Ama no Futaba. From Ikushima to Ama no Futaba, there were six islands.



令和5年10月8日(金) 2023
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