

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 清寧天皇 4

『日本書紀』清寧天皇 4





In the autumn of the seventh month, Princess Iitoyo (飯豊皇女), daughter of Prince Ichinobe no Oshiwa (市辺押磐皇子) and sister of Emperor Ninken (仁賢天皇) and Emperor Kenzo (顕宗天皇), had her first intimate encounter with a man at Tsunosashi Palace (角刺宮). She told people, "I have come to know the way of women, but it is nothing special. I do not wish to engage with men again."

On the second day of the ninth month, officials called "Omi" (臣) and "Muraji" (連) were sent to inspect the customs and manners of the people.

In the winter, on the fourth day of the tenth month, the emperor issued a decree, saying, "Animals like dogs and horses, as well as playful objects, must not be offered as tribute."

On the eighteenth day of the eleventh month, Omi and Muraji were invited to a banquet at the Great Court Garden(大庭). They were given cotton and silk, and they could take as much as they could carry. That same month, envoys from various overseas tribes came to present tributes.

In the spring of the fourth year, on the seventh day of the first month, a banquet was held in the court hall for the overseas envoys, and they were each given gifts according to their status.

In the intercalary(閏) fifth month of summer, a grand banquet was held for five days.

In the autumn, on the seventh day of the eighth month, the emperor personally reviewed the prisoners. On that day, both the Emishi and the Hayato tribes submitted to the emperor.

On the first day of the ninth month, the emperor went to the archery hall and ordered the court officials and the overseas envoys to shoot arrows. They were given gifts according to their ranks.

In the fifth year, on the sixteenth day of the first month, the emperor passed away at the palace. His exact age is unknown.

In the winter, on the ninth day of the eleventh month, he was buried in Sakadohara Mausoleum (坂門原陵) in Kawachi (河内).


秋の七月に、飯豊皇女(いいどよのひめみこ)〔市辺押磐皇子 いちのべのおしわのみこ)の娘で、仁賢(にんけん)天皇と顕宗(けんそう〕天皇の姉〕が角刺宮(つのさしのみや)で初めて男性と交わりを持たれました。人々に語って「人並みに女性の道を知ったけれども、特に変わったことはないわ。もう男性と交わりたいとは思わない」と言いました。











令和6年8月5日(月) 2024

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