

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 応神天皇 9

『日本書紀』応神天皇 9



One account tells of a lord from Hyuga Province named Kimi Ushi who served at the imperial court. As he grew old and could no longer serve, he retired to his homeland. To continue showing his loyalty, he sent his daughter with long hair, named Kaminaga-hime, to the court. On her journey to Harima, the Emperor, who was then visiting Awaji Island for hunting, saw several dozen deer swimming across the sea towards Harima. The Emperor, intrigued, thought these were deer but discovered they were people dressed in deer skins with antlers, led by Kimi Ushi. He explained that although he was retired due to his age, he still wanted to serve the court, hence he sent his daughter as a tribute. The Emperor was pleased and invited them onto his royal boat. This is how the place got its name, “Kako no Minato (Deer Child Watergate),” .  Since then, the term "kako" has been used to refer to a waterman (kako sailor).


ある話によると、日向(ひむか、ひゅうが)の諸県(もろがた)の君牛(きみうし)は朝廷に仕えていましたが、年齢のために仕えられなくなり、故郷に帰りました。それでも朝廷への忠誠を示すために、彼は娘の髪長媛(かみながひめ)を献上しました。髪長媛が播磨(はりま)に到着した時、ちょうど天皇は淡路島(あわじしま)で狩りを楽しんでおられました。そこで天皇は西の方を見ると数十頭の鹿が海を渡って来きました。これらは鹿の皮を着て角をつけた人々で、君牛が引率していました。君牛は老いても朝廷への奉仕を忘れず、娘を献上したと説明しました。天皇はこれを喜び、彼らを皇船に招きました。この場所は「鹿子水門(かこみなと)」と呼ばれるようになり、それ以来、水手(かこ 船員)を鹿子(かこ)いう言葉が使われるようになりました。

令和6年4月7日(日) 2024

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