

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 履中天皇 3

『日本書紀』履中天皇 3


於朋佐箇珥 阿布夜烏等謎烏 瀰知度沛麼 哆駄珥破能邏孺 哆𡺸摩知烏能流



The Crown Prince, arriving at Hanyuzaka in Kawachi Province, woke up and looked towards Naniwa, seeing a great light. He was greatly alarmed and hurried there. From Ōsaka, he headed towards Yamato, and upon reaching Asuka Mountain, he encountered a young girl at the mountain's entrance. He asked her, "Is there anyone in this mountain?" She replied, "There are many armed men filling the mountain. You should turn back and take another path." The Crown Prince, thinking that he had escaped danger by listening to the girl's advice, composed a song:

Upon meeting the young girl,
I, awakened from sleep,
Escaped the danger,
Crossing over the mountains of my homeland.

Then, he turned back and gathered soldiers from the district to accompany him. He crossed over Mount Tatsuta. At that time, dozens of armed men pursued him. The Crown Prince, seeing them from a distance, said, "Who are those coming? They are walking very quickly, as if they were enemies." He then hid in the mountain and waited. When they approached, he sent a man to ask, "Who are you, and where are you going?" They replied, "We are fishermen from Noshima in Awaji. We are pursuing the Crown Prince on the orders of Prince Nakatsu." Thereupon, the Crown Prince ambushed them, surrounding and capturing them all.


太子は、河内国(かわちのくに)の埴生坂(はにゅうざか)に到着して目を覚まし、難波(なにわ)の方に大きな光を見て、非常に驚かれ、急いで大坂から倭(大和 やまと)に向かわれた。飛鳥山(あすかやま 大阪府羽曳野市の山)に到着すると、山の登り口で若い少女に出会われました。太子はその少女に「この山に人はいるか?」と尋ねられました。少女は「武器を持った人たちが山中にたくさんいます。引返して当麻道(たぎまのみち)から越えなさい」と言った。太子は少女の言葉を聞いて危険を免れたと思い、次のような歌を詠まれました


少し戻って、そこの県(あがた)の兵を集めて味方とされ、竜田山(たつたやま 生駒山地の南部)から越えられた。その際、数十人の武器を持って追いかけてくる者があった。太子はそれを見て「あのやってくるのは誰だろう。何と早いではないか。賊だろうか」と言われた。


令和6年5月20日(月) 2024

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