

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 仁徳天皇 32

『日本書紀』仁徳天皇 32




That year, there was a dragon in the river fork of the Kawashima River in the Kibi region of Nakatsukuni that was tormenting people. When travelers passed by that area, they were exposed to its poisonous breath and many died. An ancestor of Kasa no Omi who was Agatamori(a county governor) was brave and strong. He approached the pool where the dragon lived, threw three gourds into the water and said, "You have repeatedly spit out poison and tormented travelers. I will kill you. If you can sink these gourds, I will retreat. If you cannot, I will slay you." The dragon then turned into a deer and tried to pull in the gourds, but could not sink them. The governor then drew his sword, entered the water, and slew the dragon. 

He also searched for the dragon's companions. Many dragon companions were crammed into holes at the bottom of the pool. He slew them all, turning the river water to blood. This place was named Agata-mori-no-fuchi (The Governor's Pool). At that time, there were one or two who resisted.

The emperor rose early and slept late, reduced taxes, spread virtue, bestowed favor, and rescued the people from hardship. He mourned the dead, asked after the sick, and bestowed favor on those without family. As a result, his orders were well executed, the realm was peaceful, and there were over twenty years without incident.  

On the 16th day of the 1st month of the 87th year, the emperor passed away.

On the 7th day of the 10th month of winter, he was buried in the Mozuno no Misasagi tomb.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​







令和6年5月19日(日) 2024

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