おはようございます。イギリス人ネイティブ講師・ジョリーフォニックス公式トレーナーDavid Watkinsによる東京のオンライン英語教室”Yamatalk English®”です。
"e" Jolly Phonics Lesson Plan
1. REVIEW:To begin, using flashcards review the sounds taught up to this point. Students can also choose a song for one (or more if time!) of the previous sounds to sing.
2. SCENE SETTING: Open the Big Book or Finger Phonics Book to the "e" pages, and focus the students attention. Ask "What can you see?" and encourage the students to point out and touch anything that catches their attention in the picture. In particular, try to draw attention to any words containing the "e" sound, such as "eggs", "elephant", "hen", "well" etc.
3. STORY: Next, tell them the story of Eric, who is with his family staying on a farm for their holidays. He is sitting at the kitchen table while Ellie the farmer's wife is cooking breakfast. She is making fried eggs, and she cracks open the eggs by tapping their shells on the side of the pan, "e, e, e."
4. SOUND AND ACTION: Demonstrate the "e" sound and action for the children, pretending to tap the egg on the side of the pan, before they crack the egg into the pan, saying "e, e, e!". Make sure your demonstration of both the sound and action is clear for all the students.
Have the students all join in, making the sound and doing the action together. Then go around 1 by 1, asking them to demonstrate the sound and action. If they are not comfortable doing this in front of others at this point (or only produce either the sound or action alone), encourage them before moving on to the next student.
5. LETTER FORMATION: Model the formation of "e" on the board for all the students, noting that unlike all the letters they have learned to this point, it is unusual in that it starts in the middle. Have the students write the letter, 1 by 1, with their finger over the big "e" in the Big/Finger Phonics book.
Students can then either A) Come up individually to the board, and write "e" by themselves in front of the class, or B) All students take a pen/chalk and write at the same time with you. In the case of B), encourage them to write more than one "e", small ones, big ones, HUGE ones! Have fun with it!
6. BLENDING: Write the word "set" on the board, writing a dot (or sound button) underneath each letter. Touch your fingers on each "button" sating the sounds with the students. Then slide your finger from dot to dot, blending the sounds together to read the word. Repeat for "pet", and "pen" and more words if required.
7. SEGMENTING: Write 3 sound buttons on the board, and then say the word "ten" while sliding your fingers from dot to dot. Ask the children "Where is the 'e' sound?" and have them answer "First", "Middle", or "Last" sound, then write it above the middle button. Then ask them to identify the other two sounds, writing them above the other two buttons. Finally blend the sounds together to say "ten". Repeat for other words as required (such as net, tent, step).
8. ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY: Hand out pre-made egg shaped paper, cut from coloured craft paper. Children can chose which colour they'd like if you have a variety. Students then decorate their egg with coloured "spot" stickers, before writing "e" on the egg as many times as they like in coloured crayons.
9. SONG: Sing the "e" Jolly Phonics song, with students pretending to crack their paper eggs while making the sound.
10. HOMEWORK: Tell students to complete the writing lines on the "e" page in their Student book for homework, or give them a photocopy of the "e" page of the teacher's handbook to take home. Tell them you will check their work before the next class.
◆ 教室の出版物
お片づけ3週間チャレンジ ちょこっと風水
薬膳ストウブはじめの1歩 図解薬膳
◆ ジョリーフォニックスレッスン
◆ ジョリーフォニックス関連企画
ジョリーフォニックス公認トレーナー David Watkins によるZoomオンライントレーニングを行っています。
◆ 大人向けオンライン英会話レッスン
◆ ジョリーフォニックス関連記事
◇Jolly Phonics Extraに家庭用ができました!
◇42音後は同音異綴りを学んでいきます(Pupil/Student book 2,3)
◇42音後はトリッキーワードを学んでいきます(72 tricky words)
◇eの音のレッスンプラン("e" Jolly Phonics Lesson Plan)英語でのご紹介