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2015年バレンシア国際吹奏楽コンクール課題曲  八木澤教司「碧き宇宙-生命の雫」

2015年07月20日 | Weblog
今年1月にお伝えしました吹奏楽曲 八木澤教司「碧き宇宙-生命の雫」が2015年バレンシア国際吹奏楽コンクールの課題曲に決定し、八木澤先生はコンクールで審査員を務められました。スペイン・バレンシア国際吹奏楽コンクールはヨーロッパ最高峰と言われる国際コンクールで世界でもとても権威のあるコンクールです。バレンシアの新聞記事には課題曲となった「碧き宇宙-生命の雫」と審査員を務められた八木澤先生の記事が掲載され注目されております!サイトには英文もありますのでぜひご覧下さい!(ホームページはこちら

The piece 'Blue Outer Space' of Yagisawa, in the Third Section

The choice of Japanese composer values the internationality of the event

The obligate piece of the Third Section is 'Blue Outer Space' of Japanese Satoshi
Yagisawa also part of the jury. Yagisawa is author of a variety of compositions for
orchestra, chamber music and choral works. His compositions for wind orchestra and
band described dramatically different World Heritage sites and nature scenes. He has
participated as a judge in numerous competitions as it is one of the most famous
young composers in Japan.

His work Blue Outer Space was composed in 2007 by a commission for Horikoshi High
School Symphonic Band (Higher School Symphonic Bands Japan). The piece consists of
five movements: The beginning of the universe, asteroid collision, creating Earth,
Water Planet, and gratitude for all forms of life. The choice of this work and this
important Japanese composer is a good test of internationality of this dean band

Live broadcast

The team 'Our Bands' Contest broadcast live via Manages Radio 107.1 FM Valencia. A
year be broadcasting the entire event starting each day a few minutes before the
first band while maintaining uninterrupted connection to the verdict of the jury at
the end of each session. This is the twenty-seventh edition this dean radio relays
the 'City of Valencia'.

Direct can also be followed on> where you can combine interviews, comments
and debates of the radio relay performing TV that provides the organization of the