

ロシア機が根室沖で領空侵犯~日本侵略はいずれ現実となる~ The invasion of Japan will become a reality

2022年03月03日 | 政治・国際情勢について

~Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.~





モーセの十戒「殺してはならない」は、全ての殺人に当てはまるのではない~出エジプト記20章から - アメリカ帰国者が日々の出来事・人生・世の中などを語るブログ (goo.ne.jp)


=====English Verstion!=====

Around 10:30 am yesterday, a breaking news came in saying that a Russian aircraft invaded the territory off the coast of Nemuro, Hokkaido in Japan and the SDF aircraft scrambles and expelled it. Putin, who is struggling against Ukraine, knows that the situation is not good and it is quite possible that his next target is Japan to protect his face.

Japan's ocean has been invaded by China many times and has als been threatened by North Korea many times with missiles, but Japan does not try to make any concrete preparations at all.  The Japanese government seems to be very careless, and it is clear that Japan will follow in the same footstep as Ukraine.

Russia deployed 100,000 troops around Ukraine last March. In spite of the preparation period of about a year till today, President Zelensky probably underestimated the risk believing that Russia would not invade Ukraine, and took few concrete steps to prevent Russian troops from crossing the border, that allowed Russia to go into the Ukraine territories. Ukraine, like Japan, was also careless about that, too.

I'm a Christian, but personally I feel that Japan needs to be nuclear-armed. If we can solve problems by discussion, that's ideal. However, in reality, it is only power to protect ourselves from the opponent who attacked with power. Unfortunately, many Christians misunderstand the Bible, and many say that war is not God's will because the Bible describes peace and love.  However, God is the God of love and is a judge as well.  Also, the Bible verse of "Don't kill people" does not apply to self-defense. 

Russia's invasion of Japan may come earlier than expected. Prime Minister Kishida, who is from Hiroshima, is negative about having nuclear weapons, but what kind of scenario is there if the United States does not protect Japan? As we saw in Ukraine this time, it is very unlikely that the United States will help. If we don't prepare for the worst right now, Japan will be invaded by Russia and China in no time.



