


2013-12-30 19:27:00 | 日記


2013-12-30 13:41:46 | 日記
To understand better and more clearly the different velocity of our conciousness and sences, let`s take a familiar example.

When we breathe in and feel the cold winter morning air, our skin on the whole body gets tense.

Being touched by such a cold air which we breathe, let`s take a time to close our eyes for a few minutes. And try to follow an image in our conciousness.

"What is the sound I hear?","How cold the air I breathe in!", "I have to do my laundry because today is such a fine day.","Before that, I have to clean my room.", "Ah, I have been forgetful of doing dishes.", "Birds are singing songs.", "By when do I have to have this work done?"

Thus one after the other all these images in our consciousness change(come and go) rapidly and all this time our skin keep feeling the cold air in the swift passage of our consciousness.


2013-12-27 11:55:45 | 日記