

Shrimp Cutlet with tartare sauce/エビかつタルタルソース

2019-11-28 18:56:00 | Recipes/Fish
Shrimp 24pcs(S size)
Flour 6 tbsp
Egg 1pcs
Water 1 tbsp
Bread crumbs(Panko) Some

1. Defrost shrimps.Cut in half.Sprinkle littke salt and pepper.

2. Form 3 shrimps in round shape.Make 8 pcs.
3. Mix Flour,egg,and water.Put (2) on turner and Put on mixture.
4. Cover with panko.
5. Deep fry in 180-190° for 1.5min-2min.

■Tartare sauce

Boiled eggs 2pcs…do not too much chop
Chopped onion 3tbsp
Chopped Cucumber pickles 3 tbsp
Mayonnaise 1 cup
Milk 1 tbsp
Japanese mustard(Karashi) 1 tsp
Salt little
Pepper little

1.Mix all but not too much,Just 2-3 times.

Rolled cabbage/ロールキャベツ

2019-11-28 16:59:00 | Recipes/meat
Cabbage 1kg
Minced meat 400g
Onion 200g
Carrot 100g
Bread clam(Panko) 4 tbsp
Egg 1pcs
Salt 1 tsp
Ketchap 1 tbsp
Blackpepper little
Butter 40g

1. Heat butter. Add chopped onion,chopped carrot and fry with weak fire.Cool down.
2. Take out leaf of cabbage one by one.Boil and put water with icecube.
3. Mix minced meat,Panko,egg and salt well .Add (1) and ketchup,pepper.Divide 8.
4. Wrap meat with 2pcs of cabbage.
5. Place (4) in pot.Add 600ml of water with strong fire.After boiling,cover with lid and stew with weak fire for 1 hrs.Until juce reduce in half.

Calamari Naruto roll/いか鳴門巻き

2019-11-28 07:40:00 | Recipes/Fish
Squid 2pcs
Toasted laver(seaweed,Nori) 2pcs
Water 200ml
Japanese sake 100ml
Soy sauce 3 tbsp

1. Take out skin of squid if it remains.Put salt and leave 30 min.Make score 0.3cm each with knife to make roll easy.
2. Put nori on Squid.Roll and fasten with string(Or wrap with film) .
3. Boil water and put (2) just for 1min.
4. Boil water 200ml,sake and soy souce. Add (3) and boil for 1-2min.Leave at room temperature.