

every day is like sunday

2008-02-10 01:40:30 | 日常
I went to Sannomiya accompaning *i-chan for some shoppings. There were so many people. Then I realised that today was the middle day of three day's holidays!

Now it's obvious how lazy I am.
Cos for me, there's no much difference whether it is weekday or weekend.
I'm happy to be a Uni student...

Nyways, what I did after that was...
Went home
Cooked dinner
Practiced the guitar
Ate roll cake(T*u**i delivered it. thank you^^)

and now....I'm trying to write "self introduction" for house journal of my future company. It's soooo tiring. I can't think of any words to describe my self...I mean, I need to give the "title" for myself within 12 character. aaa it's hard.yellow15