From this week, I work from home for approx. 4 hours each day.
I haven't got used to it yet...and it seems this jobs gonna be harder....I don't know I can work it out.
Anyway, I spend more time inside than before, becoming HIKIKOMORI.... So I'm trying to walk. Today I went for a walk again while doing PIKUMIN.
To walk a long distance in Yakushima in Golden Week holidays (I will write about it some other time), I tried to walk everyday for at least 30mins. This habit seems good for me :)
I hope tomorrrow's meeting's gonna be OK.
Last weekend we went to Koshien to watch Tigers games
The result were.....won on Saturday(!), lost on Sunday
The stadium was packed. First day's seat was too narrow and I almost became economy-class syndrome (joking).
I felt seats on the right stand were not so good but it was better on Sunday because it was too hot and luckly we got the shade. If we sat on the left stand, it would have been too hot to die...
Anyway, the trip was a tight schedule but it was very exciting. We used shinkansen for transport after a long time.
Maybe the next time I take shinkansen, I will go back to my parents house?
I guess I am too lazy today!!
Plan from now
1) Ironing
2) Grocery shopping
3) Genji Onsen
4) Preparation for trip on weekend!