

tooth tooth

2008-02-07 23:43:50 | 日常
My tooth is terribly aching right now. uuuuuu

I woke up this morning feeling good, did laundry and cleaned up my room.
Cooked breakfast, which I hadn't done for a while. Because recently I just toasted bread for breakkie.
I felt really good. I think I should keep doing this everyday!

I went to uni with guitar. Today I was going to practice the guitar. But I found myself practicing singing. But that's alright. It was fun.

After a couple of hours I got to work on revising my thesis. It didn't make much progress...better than nothing.

I was gonna work on thesis revising after I got home, but I just slept. aa, obaka.

Well, I'm gonna take a painkiller and go to bed!! Oyasumi!!