


2007-07-29 16:18:15 | 日常
I've been giving up my right since I turned to 20. last, i exercised it.

For the first time, i voted.
It was absentee voting. So I requested a voting paper from my local "election administration commission" and went to ward office in Nada 3 or 4 days ago to vote.

Was fun. I don't know why, but it was fun.(maybe this is not the right expression.....)

Since I entered the University, I've studied about Japan and Japanese society a bit. And now i know voting is something really important. So I thought I should do this time.
After voting, I'm concerned with the result. Though I don't know much about politics, i think this is how people get interested in the politics or society.

Im going to work from now.
result will be after that.

chan chan.

rice with tea

2007-07-20 01:06:15 | 日常
When I have lots to write, I don't have much time.

Well, toooooo many things happened since the last time.
but...i will only write about what a day i had today.

I worked for 7 hours at cinama. Today a famous(that's what i heard) director came to promote his new film. good to see a big name(I'm YAJIUMA).

I had dinner with my friend R**** at Nekoneya. It was nice to catch up.
OCHADUKE(rice with tea....or row fish on the rice with DASHI soup to be exact) was sooooo nice. I love nekoneya...

I feel I'm busy nowadays.
But after i finish a presentaion on my thesis next week, i think i will be able to relax a little bit.....I hope i can.

I hate workaholic Japanese.(that's me!!)