Ovulation induction in elderly women by structured micronutrients

2023-10-04 18:38:19 | structured_micronutrients

Ovulation induction was repeated from the age of 35, and 5-10 ml/day of structured micronutrients were taken when the number of ovulations reached 0 at the age of 40. As a result, ovulation numbers of 2 to 10 were obtained.


After menopause at the age of 65, menstruation resumed when she started taking 2 ml/day to 10 ml/day of structured micronutrients.

Discomfort such as menstrual cramps were eliminated by drinking 1 ml/day to 5 ml/day of structured micronutrients.


* Structured micronutrients registered midication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.

