

Drinktec 2013 to showcase innovative filling technology - Carbonated Drink Filling Machine

2013-06-13 12:29:41 | グルメ
Beverages manufacturers in the industrialised countries arebringing out new creations in quick succession. In emergingeconomies, rising living standards are generating a boom in demandfor high-quality, hygienically perfect beverages. In China and Africa, consumption of packaged beverages is risingespecially fast. Market researchers are expecting globalconsumption to rise by 3.4% by 2013, and, as consumption rises, sotoo do the demands on filling systems.

Visitors to Drinktec 2013, the world's leading trade fair for thebeverage and liquid food industry, will be able to find out justhow the manufacturers of corresponding machinery and systems aremeeting the challenges in terms of flexibility, product safety,sustainability and easy operation. One trend in beverage filling that has been visible for some timeis the increase in filling speeds for large batch sizes, plus theinstallation of turnkey systems. New high-performance integratedsystems, operating on the latest technology, are needed to cater tothese trends. Small and medium-sized filling businesses in turn want to benefitfrom the technological innovations on individual machines. AtDrinktec 2013, all the new ideas and innovations will be presented,for SMEs and for global players alike.

Prof Dr-Ing Matthias Niemeyer, chairman of KHS GmbH, sums up thetrends in filling technology: "At Drinktec 2013 we will again see aclear orientation towards meeting customer wishes and, allied tothis, a maximisation of benefit. In this context, the aspect ofsustainability plays a key role. At the same time, modular-designedfilling technology will also be a central theme. This involvesincreased filling quality, better system availability and lowercosts for maintenance, energy water and cleaning agents, advantagesthat are generated also by consistent application of hygienicdesign." According to estimates by the VDMA, time spent on cleaning in thefood industry is around 20-30%. In other words, it is aconsiderable factor.

The aim therefore continues to be toconstantly optimise the cleaning of machinery, systems andcomponents, as well as processes, with the aim of reducing cleaningtimes while maintaining high product quality and safety. The answer lies in hygienic design, ie taking hygiene requirementsinto account in all phases of the design and manufacture ofproduction systems. On show at Drinktec 2013 will be contemporary,sustainable solutions targeted at reducing cost in terms ofcleaning time, energy, water and chemicals. In cleaning returnable bottles, for example, the emphasis is onoptimising energy and water consumption.

For small- andmedium-sized beverage manufacturers, the exhibitors at Drinktecwill be showcasing cleaning machines that can do everything thatthe high-performance machines can, for example inclined cleaningbaths, one or two pre-treatment stages or post-lye spraying. Exciting developments are also emerging in the area of continuousinspection of empty and filled bottles. As well as full visualinspection, some new empty-bottle inspectors also have X-rayimaging, at infeed and discharge points. Also interesting are newly developed technologies withhigh-performance cameras to identify damage on the inside of thenecks of empty containers. Fill-level inspectors, used to identifycontainers with too much or too little content, can be fitted withacoustic bottle-burst detectors.

The rise and rise of PET bottles has had a key influence ondevelopments in filling technology and on the flow technology usedto control volumes. At Drinktec 2013, visitors can take a look atthe latest advances in modular-designed systems that can becombined from the start (or retrofitted) with cappers, blowingmachines or labelling machines. This brings new flexibility andenhanced energy-efficiency and availability to filling operations. New, flexible fillers are suited both to hot-filling in PET andglass bottles, as well as cold-filling of non-carbonated drinks.With a large product range, rapid adjustment of filling levels,without having to change filling tubes, is an important factor inprofitability. These days, fruit juices and milk-based drinkscontaining whole pieces of fruit, for example, can be manufacturedand filled in a very gentle way.

Particularly interesting for PETcontainers is the theme of lightweighting to save costs andpreserve resources with corresponding effects on fillingtechnology, for example in filling with nitrogen injection. For global manufacturer of filling and packaging systems such asKHS, Drinktec 'is the most important trade fair'. Prof Niemeyersaid: "Its strong international orientation is tailored exactly toour needs. As the leading trade fair Drinktec is the ideal platformfor presenting new and exciting developments, and at the same timeit is the perfect place to forge and strengthen internationalcontacts." A visit to the world fair for the beverage and liquid foodindustry, between 16 and 20 September 2013, is a chance for allbeverage fillers, technical experts, engineering offices and systemmanufacturers to gather first-class input. Here they will be ableto inspect modern filling systems that provide ultimateflexibility, combined with the best microbiological product safetyand easy operation, and deliver energy savings and optimum machineand system availability.

What does the future look like inmachinery and systems for filling? Drinktec 2013 maps it out.
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