

Newspapers in fracking secrecy case win support of doctors,scientists - China Led Growing Lights

2013-06-23 12:40:26 | 旅行
Non-disclosure agreements have been required in other lawsuitsagainst the gas industry, as this chart of related cases inArkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Texas, and WestVirginia shows. The intervenors argue that these agreements deprive the public ofinformation in the record that could help to protect other familiesin similar situations. "People living in communities where the gas industry operates haveimportant firsthand knowledge of the impacts of gas development.But time and again, these people are silenced by industry-mandatednon-disclosure agreements in lawsuits as well as leases," said Dr.Simona Perry, research scientist with Rensselaer PolytechnicInstitute. "As their neighbors struggle to contend with these impacts, theyare unable to share their knowledge. 3W Led Grow Light

Whole communities are impactedas a result," said Perry, another member of the intervenor group. The nondisclosure agreements are part of what Earthjustice calls "awide-ranging pattern of industry secrecy." The industry has lobbied for, and won, exemptions from portions ofthe Safe Drinking Water Act, the Emergency Planning and CommunityRight to Know Act, and other federal laws with right-to-knowrequirements. In Wyoming, the gas industry has fought a state law requiring thatit disclose the identities of chemicals used in fracking,submitting claims to keep secret the identies of more than ahundred chemicals. In Pennsylvania, industry lobbied for Act 13, which was signed intolaw by Governor Tom Corbett in February. China Led Growing Lights

The new law limits theinformation doctors can share about health problems linked to gasdevelopment activities and also limits local government control ofthe gas industry. "From Wyoming to Pennsylvania and Colorado to Louisiana, the gasindustry is fighting to keep the toxic secrets of drilling out ofthe public eye and to retain special exemptions to the laws thatprotect public health and the environment," said Bruce Baizel,staff attorney with Earthworks, one of the intervenors. "They claimthat what they do is safe, but if it is, why do they have so muchto hide? We intend to find out." The current fracking-enabled gas drilling boom across the UnitedStates has brought reports of poisoned drinking water, pollutedair, mysterious animal deaths, and sick families. But industrysecrecy has made it tough for researchers to get the facts onhealth and environmental impacts of fracking. China Dimmable Led Lights

"Scientists studying the health and environmental impacts offracking and gas development need data in order to do their job,"said Stan Scobie, PhD, senior fellow with Physicians, Scientists,and Engineers for Healthy Energy, one of the intervening groups."The gas industry may prefer that we not have the information weneed, but the public good clearly outweighs industry's preferencefor secrecy." The gas companies that won the court order sealing the records are:Range Resources Corp., Williams Gas/Laurel Mountain Midstream,Markwest Energy Partners and the Markwest Energy Group. Copyright Environment News Service (ENS) 2012. All rights reserved.

Stx rauma shipyard delivers polar supply and research vessel - Candle Filter Purification

2013-06-23 12:35:24 | 日記
Wednesday, 04 April 2012 On Wednesday, April 4, 2012, the STX Finland Rauma Shipyarddelivered a polar supply and research vessel to the South Africangovernment's Department of Environmental Affairs. Newbuilding 1369,S.A. Agulhas II is a multipurpose vessel that, among other tasks,operates as a supply, research and passenger vessel as well as anicebreaker. Representatives from the client, the South African Government'sDepartment of Environmental Affairs, as well as the Embassy ofSouth-Africa in Finland, The South African Maritime Authority,classification society Det Norske Veritas and STX Finland and thepress were there to witness the flag-changing ceremony. The ice-strengthened vessel is approximately 134 metres long andhas accommodation for a crew of 45 and some 100 researchers orpassengers. Disc Oil Separator

The vessel operates as a logistic support vessel forthe South-African research stations on the Antarctica as well asthe Marion and Gough islands, and it is capable of carrying outmarine and geological sea floor research. The vessel keepscontinuous record of meteorological data for weather services inSouth Africa. In addition, the vessel can operate in internationaltraffic as a passenger ship carrying approximately 100 passengers. We are proud to deliver this technically high-class multipurposevessel to the client. The project has offered valuable experienceand expertise in the design and building of demanding polarresearch and supply vessels to the personnel of STX Rauma shipyardand all our partners involved in the project , explaind theDirector of STX Rauma Shipyard, Toivo Ilvonen. Candle Filter Purification

It is with honour and pride that we receive the S. A. Agulhas IIas planned from STX Finland. An exciting voyage lies ahead of us aswe make our way south to the ship s new home in Cape Town, SouthAfrica. Horizontal Pressure Leaf Filter Manufacturer

The ship s sea trials and ice trials went well and sheproved to be a good ice going ship. We use the ship to carryscientists and research equipment for the South African NationalAntarctic Programme in the sea area between South Africa, theAntarctic Islands and Antarctica. The new ship s ability in icecovered waters will shorten journey times to the Antarctic IceShelf and will allow for onboard scientific research in theSouthern Oceans during winter months , said the ship s CaptainFreddie Ligthelm.

Port of los angeles adopts five-year strategic plan - China Alkaline Water Purifier

2013-06-23 12:30:18 | 日記
Thursday, 19 April 2012 The Los Angeles Harbor Commission today unanimously adopted afive-year strategic plan for the Port of Los Angeles for 2012-2017. The plan focuses on three key result areas, or KRAs competitive operations, strong relationships and financialstrength. It maps out the Port s priorities, objectives andvarious initiatives for developing infrastructure, enhancingoverall competitiveness, growing market share, optimizing land use,advancing maritime technologies and sustainability efforts, andmaintaining the Port s top ranking as the nation s trade gatewayto the Pacific Rim. This plan is a blueprint for responsible growth and job creationthat will guide us toward maintaining our competitive advantage asthe nation s premier trade gateway, said Los Angeles MayorAntonio Villaraigosa. It is this kind of strategic thinking thathelped the Port become one of the nation s leading economicengines, and meeting the strategic plan s objectives will ensureour future success. Herbal Patches

This strategic plan will ensure that the Port remains competitiveover the coming years and proactively meets the challenges of a newera of international trade, said Harbor Commission PresidentCindy Miscikowski. Changing economic tides will require new and innovativeapproaches and a forward-thinking game plan, said Port ExecutiveDirector Geraldine Knatz, Ph.D. This newly adopted strategicroadmap provides a clear path to assure the Port s future successin the global marketplace. As the Port faces increasing competitive challenges in the comingyears, the plan s competitive operations component includesinitiatives focused on developing and maintaining a world-classinfrastructure; retaining and growing market share; advancingtechnology and sustainability, as well as optimizing land use. China Alkaline Water Purifier

Similarly, as part of its focus on building strongrelationships, the Port will undertake a number of initiatives toincrease stakeholder and community awareness and support, and tocreate a positive workplace culture. The plan s financialstrength initiatives will center on enhancing cash flow,improving financial reporting and audits, and diversifying andmaximizing grant funding. The strategic planning process began in March 2011 and builds onthe previous 2006-2011 Five-Year Strategic Plan. In addition toinput from a multi-division Port Strategic Plan Task Force, HarborCommissioners also provided input and feedback on various drafts ofthe Plan, as did Port staff, constituents, customers and laborrepresentatives. Metrics to measure the Port s performance andsuccess in implementing the initiatives are also in included in theplan. Fever Cooling Patch Manufacturer

The strategic plan will undergo continuous evolution andperformance measurement over the next five years and an annualassessment and re-evaluation to ensure relevance prior to the startof the annual budget process. An organizational performancedashboard will be used to measure progress towards implementing theinitiatives.