

Sudan, south sudan only one step from full-scale war - IPL Laser Machine Manufacturer

2012-08-01 12:26:01 | グルメ
A response from the South Sudangovernment to a declaration of war by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on Juba will be critical to decide the prospect of a full-scale war between the two states, local analyst said on Thursday. Since the Sudanese president announced his goal to "liberate theSouth Sudanese from the rule of the Sudan People's LiberationMovement (SPLM)" on Wednesday, more than 24 hours have passedwithout any South Sudanese official making comments or response tothe remarks. "This is an unusual silence from the side of Juba," said FayezHassan Zakki, a Sudanese journalist well-known in the media circlein Khartoum. He attributed the silence to two reasons, one was that al- Bashir'sdeclaration of war surprised Juba, which on its part needed sometime to consider a response as suitable as it believed. The secondreason was probably an international interference especially fromJuba's western allies to make sure that any response by the SouthSudan would not escalate the tension which was already very high. Co2 Fractional Laser Machine

However, "the response from Juba will very likely be the last steptowards a full-scall war between Sudan and South Sudan," he said. On Wednesday, Bashir declared war on South Sudan, and vowed tobring down the SPLM in South Sudan, at a time of escalatingmilitary confrontations on the borders between the two countries. Addressing a rally of members of the ruling National Congress Partyin Khartoum, the Sudanese president announced that "from today ourslogan is to liberate the citizens of South Sudan from the rule ofthe SPLM, and from today it will be eye for eye, tooth for toothand strike for strike and the beginner (of the war) is moreunjust." "We've made a mistake historically to enable the SPLM to rule thesouth, but we will correct this mistake, and we have a moralobligation for our people in South Sudan, that is to save them fromthe SPLM," al-Bashir added. Al-Bashir accused the South Sudan government of failing to commititself to the agreements and treaties the two countries had signed,saying "these people do not keep promises and not adhere to thedocuments, and they are traitors." He continued to say "Sudan should not be ruled separately in thenorth and the south, either they (SPLM) come and control Khartoumor we go and control Juba." Following the announcement, the Sudanese authorities intensifiedpreparations for the probable war. IPL Laser Machine Manufacturer

More than 2,300 Mujahideen, or holy-war fighters, on Thursday sworean oath of loyalty to President al-Bashir and vowed to defend thecountry with their lives, the state-run SUNA news agency reported. This came during a meeting between the Sudanese president and acrowd of Mujiahideen in El Obeid, the capital of the North KordofanState, according to the report. Addressing the meeting, the Sudanese president stressed that "Heglig will be a new Shikan for the invaders," a reference to thebloodiest battle more than 60 years ago between Sudanese fightersand British troops in the North Kordofan State. "Any one extending his hand on Sudan, it will be cut off," theSudanese president noted. Also in El Obeid on Thursday, President al-Bashir stressed thatfighting was the only mean to resolve the differences between hiscountry and South Sudan, reiterating his promise to end the rule ofthe SPLM in the south. Elight Hair Removal Manufacturer

In a speech to a rally of local residents in the North Kordofanstate and lively aired by the state-run Sudan TV, al-Bashir said "Heglig will not be the end, and we have determined to resolve ourmatters completely in the battle field, and to settle all theaccounts between the two countries." "The government of South Sudan do not understand, nor aware of thelesson, and it is like someone taking a knife to cut his neck. Wehave tried repeatedly to make them understand where their interestsare, but they are fools not understanding. Nothing is helpful forthem but disciplining them with a stick," the president added.

Magic johnson's group finalizes us$2.15 bil. dodgers purchase - Q-switched ND Yag Laser Manufacturer

2012-08-01 12:15:56 | グルメ
The deal ends the turbulent eight-year Frank McCourt ownership erafor one of the sport's flagship franchise and comes less than ayear after the team declared bankruptcy last June with McCourtembroiled in a complicated divorce. Stan Kasten, a former president of the Atlanta Braves andWashington Nationals, will be the president of the Dodgers. MarkWalter is the controlling owner of the team with former Los AngelesLakers star Johnson among those with a minority stake in a clubthat last reached the World Series in 1988. The Dodgers have the best record in the National League at 16-7after the first month of the six-month regular season. Cavitation Body Slimming

The Dodgers emerge from the Chapter 11 reorganization processhaving achieved its objective of maximizing the value of theDodgers through a successful plan of reorganization, under whichall claims will be paid, the team said in a statement. The Dodgers move forward with confidence in a strong financialposition, as a premier Major League Baseball franchise and as anintegral part of and representative of the Los Angeles community. McCourt had tried to sell off future broadcast rights to the teamfor money to help pay his divorce settlement and keep control ofthe team, but Major League Baseball commission Bud Selig rejectedthe deal, saying it would rob the club of financial assets it wouldneed to sign talent to be competitive. Eventually the two sides agreed on a court-ordered compromise thatwas agreed upon by a U.S. Bankruptcy Court. Q-switched ND Yag Laser Manufacturer

Selig called the sale process a long and difficult road but was pleased that the club can have the fresh start it deserves undernew ownership. I have said many times that we owed it to them to ensure that theclub was being operated properly and would be guided appropriatelyin the future, he said in a statement. It is my great hope andfirm expectation that today's change in ownership marks the startof a new era for the Los Angeles Dodgers. Ultimately, the sale produced a record figure in all of sports,illustrating the strength of our industry. McCourt is expected to clear nearly US$1 billion in profit, morethan enough to handle the US$131 million divorce payment owed JamieMcCourt, which was made on Monday from Dodgers' sale proceeds,according to the Los Angeles Times. PDT Skin Rejuvenation