


2016-04-03 05:16:45 | 日記
信用できない国:中国。 極めて残念。
Mr. Obama was pressing Mr. Xi on China’s
construction of military facilities in the South
China Sea, actions that a White House official
said belied a pledge the Chinese president had
made last fall not to militarize those waters.
“Like China and other countries, the United
States has significant interests in the Asia-Pacific
region,” Mr. Obama said to Mr. Xi.
China’s neighbors dispute its claims to reefs and
shoals, and fear that it is colonizing one of the
world’s most strategic waterways. The United
States has dispatched Navy ships to guarantee
that the sea lanes remain unobstructed.
It may raise the risk of a confrontation with
Chinese warships.
During a visit to Washington in September,
Mr. Xi declared that China would not “pursue
militarization” of the South China Sea. But
since then, it has installed surface-to-air missile
batteries and military radar on reefs and newly
reclaimed islands hundreds of miles from the
Chinese mainland.
Mr. Xi is a liar. What do you think?
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