『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama 


テレパシー能力の開発 Development of telepathic abilities

2024年04月06日 16時07分33秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・

大和民族の憂鬱 ・・・ - 『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama  

If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.

This time, let's think about telepathy.
First of all, I will reprint from Mr. K's blog.

  November 13, 2011

 How to sharpen your telepathic abilities

Among the people reading this blog, how many of you are actually
able to do something like ``conversate telepathically'' ? !

``Telepathic conversation'' is not just a simple feeling like being able to
somehow convey your feelings or being aware of something.

It's a more solid super sense.

Every time I have a "telepathic conversation" with someone, 
there is something I always check.

★ How can you hear telepathic conversations ?

The answer that almost always comes back is, 
``I can hear voices loud and clear inside my head.''
Most people seem surprised by their first impressions.

``I never thought I could hear it so clearly,'' he said.

I use remote viewing to see the other person's face, 
so when this happens for the first time,
I'm often surprised and start looking around.

So, at that time, I

“No, there are no surveillance cameras or CCD cameras anywhere, 
and I am not physically close to you, and I am speaking directly into your heart.”

I am answering something like this.

And, according to people who "talk telepathically,"
Even if I don't check the Internet every time, when I update my blog,
a certain signal is sent, and I can tell when a new article has been 
updated on this blog.

Does such a thing really happen ? !  
Isn't it just a delusion in your head ? !

If I were to say that, I would be out of luck...

Things like this actually started happening right after the demon world
disappeared from the earth at the end of 2009 AD.

All I could say was that some kind of miracle had happened.

At that moment, I understood in my heart that the spiritual connections
between these people were a "network of light."

``Telepathic conversation'' is the next stage and the next communication medium, 
such as the Internet and mobile phones.

What would you do if the existing old system of electrical civilization suddenly ended ?

Communication functions such as the Internet and mobile phones 
can suddenly stop working.

Whether or not you can receive "telepathy" at that time is the key to 
whether you are a resident of light or not.

Or is "telepathic conversation" the exclusive patent of wanderers and lightworkers ? !

For example, go to shrines and sacred places and read the colors 
of the energy bodies of the deities and best spiritual guides.

Reading colors like this is also " telepathy."

However, the enshrined deities and the best spiritual guides are not 
just energy bodies, but are living beings that have substance just like us.

Therefore, just like us, they make voices and can make some sounds.
Hearing such voice sounds is also "telepathy."

There are also ``visions'' that we see in our dreams, 
and ``visions'' that we suddenly see in our daily lives.

Reading such images is also "telepathy."

Depending on how far you sharpen these spiritual senses, 
each type of ``telepathy'' will become clearer.

The thing that stands in the way of this is the "darkness of the heart."
It is, so to speak, the dirt and grime of the heart.

“Darkness of the heart” is an aspect that has a rather negative impression,
such as arrogance, not being honest, complaining, badmouthing, jealousy, etc.

Getting rid of this by cleaning it thoroughly is spiritual preparation.


★ Stop bad thoughts and bad emotions
★ Stop the chatter in your head
★ Keep believing in yourself strongly

It is essential to continue practicing this kind of training in your daily life.
At the very least, this must become the norm.

Otherwise, the light signal will not be able to clearly enter into yourself.

May you be spiritually prepared in time...

There were three issues mentioned above, which are difficult for modern people.

I can’t do any of it myself!
I think there are people who think so.
I'm also struggling quite a bit.

I think numbers 1 and 3 are pretty good, but number 2 is difficult.

Even during meditation, if you let your guard down, 
distracting thoughts often arise and it takes a while to notice them.

This amounts to chatter in your head.

This can be said to be the ultimate challenge for people who are 
constantly fiddling with their smartphones or who can't stop having idle thoughts, 
evil thoughts, or delusions.

You can't rely on anyone to solve this problem, 
so you have no choice but to somehow overcome it yourself.

Let's do our best and don't rush.

 Next up is an article by Mr. K.

The Japanese word that best describes "telepathy" is "Ishin denshin."

“Ishindenshin” literally means “to convey with one’s heart.”
 (I don't know if the translation of this part is appropriate. 
  Thank you for your understanding.)

That is to say, what you see with your heart, 
what you understand with your heart, and what resonates with your heart.

There is no room for thoughts to come in, and in fact, 
the thoughts in your head can be said to be a hindrance.

Many people today have become too big-headed.

This is probably because the habit of ``thinking things through in your head''
has become ingrained in you.

At that time, where is your consciousness directed ?

You may notice that your awareness is directed towards your head, 
or that your center of gravity is placed towards your head.

I would like you to know that this state is the exact opposite of 
"conversing telepathically."

"Communicating telepathically" means

★ This is a state in which you place your consciousness in the Tanden
  (approximately 3 cm below the navel, and further back from there).
  丹田 = Tanden / abdomen or point above the navel

 ( The Sacral Chakra is located around here. )

So, let's say you're having a telepathic conversation and you and 
the other person laugh during the conversation.

When you do this, you will notice that the physical sensation of 
``Tanden trembling'' naturally arises.

At that time, a phenomenon occurs in which 
"each other's tanden resonates with each other."

In a direct face-to-face conversation, when you and the other person laugh during the conversation, there is an expression called「Laugh while holding your belly 」.
It's usually above the navel.

Therefore, it is clearly different from the state of normal conversation.

In a previous article, ``How to sharpen your telepathic abilities,'' 
I mentioned that when you have a ``telepathic conversation,'' 
the person on the other end ``reverberates in your head.''

This state of “ringing in your head” means that you are first receiving “telepathy” in your tanden, 
and then the voice of “telepathy” is echoing inside your head.

 Therefore, "conversing telepathically" means

★ Switch your consciousness from head to tanden .
★ Place your center of gravity on your tanden, not your head.

 You need to train yourself to get used to this situation.

You have to remind yourself that it is not something you understand 
with the thoughts in your head, but with your heart.

Telepathic communication is an ``inner voice'' conversation, 
and those of you who have entered the Network of Light have already begun this.

Here, I would like to share with you some practical training in 
telepathic communication through cetaceans and dolphins.

Close your eyes and imagine a whale or dolphin swimming in the vast ocean.

It doesn't matter how many animals there are, 
but try to visualize them as clearly as possible.

I imagine the sound of splashing waves, ripples, 
and the rolling of the ocean near a whale or dolphin swimming.

The sound of the waves can actually be heard.

At first, gradually lower the sensation you feel deep in your ears 
to the lower part of your body.

Start from inside your ears, lower it to your chest, 
and continue lowering it to your tanden area.

Think of this whenever you want, as much as you want, 
and when you get used to it, try to think of these things with your eyes open.

This is a training to cultivate synesthesia and resonate with soul
consciousness, and is like stretching before sports.

By continuing to do this, you will be able to tune in and connect your 
spiritual senses with your physical functions so that you can hear your 
``inner voice'' more clearly.

I the other day
He said, ``The time has passed when we can reduce major tribulations to minor tribulations.''

This is because the energy in the natural world is increasing 
overwhelmingly and powerfully, and we are in a situation where it 
cannot be suppressed by anyone's hands or even by collective prayers. .

Rather, what we can do is tune into or get closer to the energies of nature.

In the future, if we are to move forward with the earth and 
coexist with the natural world, we must tune into that wavelength.

It has been declared that if the natural world does not accept you as one of
its friends, there will be no place for you on this earth.

To achieve this, there is a strong need to spend time valuing 
the physical sensations that ``resonate with the heart.''

The physical sensation of “resonating with your heart” is controlled by 
the heart chakra located in the center of your chest.

This is the part where signals are directly transmitted from the soul consciousness (Tanden).

The signals then echo back to the pineal gland in your head, 
creating a "telepathic conversation."

Even if "telepathic conversation" is difficult at first, 
you can at least somewhat understand the signals that reach your heart chakra.

These are physical sensations such as ``my heart flutters'' or 
``my chest feels hot.''

In order to cultivate this sense of sensation, you must actively increase 
the number of experiences that make you feel moved by something.

What encourages you to do this is “curiosity” and “a sense of adventure” 
in the best sense of the word.

Telepathic communication is an ``inner voice'' conversation, 
and those of you who have entered the Network of Light have already begun this.

 See past articles below.

This article contains information about chakras, so I hope you find it helpful.

Now, I have introduced the training method for mastering telepathy.
What do you think?

Telepathy (nenwaves) is a "universal common language" 
that is common sense throughout the entire universe.

In other words, it is used in everyday conversation as a matter of course.

It is also said that ``God is the Word.''
In other words, the truth is that
 "God is telepathic."

Regardless of any alien race, language, animal or plant, if you utter 
a message called telepathy, it will be automatically translated and
communicated to the other person in a way that they can understand.

It seems that not only words but also sounds, smells, tastes, videos, 
and images as all senses can be conveyed.

It seems to be related to the strength of spiritual power, 
but it is also possible to contact beings far away in the universe.

That's what I can feel from Mr. K's information.

Also, as many Japanese people probably know, there used to be a program 
on Nippon Television called ``Shimura Animal Garden.''

There is a section in which an American woman named Heidi speaks telepathically 
with various animals and solves their owners' worries and questions.

The clients were surprised and moved by Heidi's answers without having much doubt.

Some people may think it's a scam, but if you look at the animals' reactions, 
it's proof that it's not.

Even the animals that don't listen to the client's instructions will become
curious when Heidi arrives, listen to Heidi's telepathic signals, and respond.

This is not something that can be prepared in advance and manipulated.

This is related to the fact that, as shown in ``Creatures as Messengers from the Gods,''
animals are pure and free from evil thoughts and desires, 
so they are easily able to receive God's commands.

In other words, animals can normally receive the telepathy 
called Nenwave from Heidi, a human.

However, what is strange is that there is no scene in which 
she attempts telepathy with humans.

I think this is because the hearts and souls of the recipients are often
so dirty that telepathic communication is almost impossible.

The most important thing about telepathy is the person's receiving ability.

For example, let's say you're playing catch.

First of all, you must be wearing gloves.
Next, you need to recognize the person you are playing catch with.
Next, you must receive the ball thrown by your opponent.

Even if any one of the above is missing, the catch ball will not be successful.

Even with telepathy, if the recipient is not ready or unable to 
sense the telepathic waves, communication will not take place.

Also, people who can communicate telepathically are naturally aware of this,
so they probably don't want to reveal that they have that ability.

People with telepathy or multiple psychic abilities, who are now a minority 
in the world, are seen by the world as unique, 
so they probably live quietly so as not to make a fuss.

Some people may use their abilities to help others.

Or maybe it's being used by a dark organization...
Such people become overconfident in their own abilities and self-destruct.

Heidi is active all over the world with the title "animal communicator."

It is a person's way of life, a free choice.

The moment a human dies and sheds his or her physical body, 
the spiritual being known as the soul can only use telepathy...
Plus, you can fly anywhere you want.

However, this is only for 49 days after death.
From now on, depending on where you reincarnate,
things will be different from before.

While humans have a physical body, the dull object of the flesh obstructs 
the transmission of psychic abilities from the soul, 
making it difficult to use telepathy, remote viewing, and other psychic abilities.

In other words, the body is a restraint for the mind and soul, or conversely, 
I think it is a robot that houses a soul and moves in order to train 
in the 4-dimensional world of this earth.

This robot with divine wisdom may be equipped with the ultimate AI quantum computer.
No, it must be!

When you think about it that way, it can't be helped that it's interesting.

The main reason why humans are no longer able to use telepathy 
and other psychic abilities is that they have polluted their hearts and souls.
However, if he removes the dirt and practices hard, his spiritual abilities will be restored.

In the end, it's your own problem.
Also, whether you have the motivation or not...
Leave those who don't believe alone and work hard on your training !

 Today's cat image.


        Stop laughing for a moment...


    Hey, did you just call me?

    Now, it's time for  " Today's Recommended Number ".
       My Little Lover  /「Man & Woman」・「DESTINY」


