『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama 


DNAの謎 DNA mystery

2024年04月11日 14時52分31秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・

大和民族の憂鬱 ・・・ - 『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama  

If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.

This time I would like to think about DNA.
First, please take a look at Mr. K's information.

 See article below.

The source of the creation of the life form known as humanity on
Earth is located in the Sirius star system.

In other words, the Sirius star system is the birthplace of humanity on Earth.

After that, in order to prevent the wrong genetic cross-breeding from
occurring and causing Earth humans to self-destruct,
a total of (12) alien species have carried out this genetic
manipulation process since the birth of Earth humans.


In other words, the state of our DNA that humans on earth should have
originally had is 12 articles, 36,000.

In order for us to start as galactic space humans,
we must begin by returning to this state.

 February 23, 2010

DNA is a supercomputer that connects multidimensional realms

The DNA inside the human body is a non-physical supercomputer.

DNA is something that all cosmic beings in the universe and 
all human beings on Earth possess equally.

Eh !  There is no DNA in my body !
I'm sure there are no such people.

The reason why DNA is a supercomputer is that all memories and data 
from the past, present, and future are written in it.

You could say that DNA is the central center of our " inner voice."

From here, you connect to your own lower self and higher self.

And from DNA, we connect to the network of light.

This is a network of "inner voices" that connect people (DNA) to people (DNA).

When you connect to the network of light, conversations with people 
around the world who are already connected to this network, 
and conversations with spiritual guides from the angelic, fairy, 
and natural spirit worlds are available in ultra-real time. 
This allows you to listen as if you were in a three-dimensional chat.

The various languages of the other party are translated into your own native language.

Below are the basics for connecting to the optical network.

★ Keep believing in yourself
★ Always remember to be grateful and remember that you 
  are being kept alive.
★ Don't doubt your intuition or inspiration
★ Imagination, drawing training in image training
★ Training to stay centered within yourself
★ “ Keeping your feet on the ground ” In other words, 
  connecting with the earth and feeling like the earth itself, 
  a shift from individual consciousness to global consciousness.

If any one of these things stands out, the others will gradually make up for it.

Connecting to the network of light can be very overwhelming and surprising at first.
This is because a tremendous amount of information rushes into you all at once.

You can clearly see the faces of the people who make an impression on you,
but it feels like you're making a video call.

When you connect to the network of light and further sharpen your spiritual senses, 
remote viewing becomes possible.

While staying in that location, if you go further, you can see scenes from 
the physical universe as well as the outer universe, 
just as if you were searching on Google Earth.

From DNA, it is also possible to connect to the Akashic Records ( the library of the universe ), 
and everyone should be connected to this in some way through intuition or inspiration.

If you search for the oldest data written in DNA, that is, the first written data, 
it will tell you when the " tree of life " at the origin of the universe was born. 

If we trace this back on the time axis of the earth's material world, 
the current time (as of February 2010) is exactly 319,199,982,371 years ago.

Prior to this, the only data we had was that ``there was light there.''

In other words, before the birth of the "Tree of Life" at the origin of the
universe, there was nothing but light, but furthermore, 
data from before that was written on the "Tree of Life" at the origin of the universe.

It is not easy to reach the "Tree of Life" at the origin of the universe, 
but for your reference, we would like to know in which dimensional region 
that location is located.
I would like to inform you that at present (February 2010 AD),

Material-immaterial dimensional area → 1872.1 dimensional area
Spiritual dimensional area → 3242.1 dimensional area

The Andromeda galaxy, which is chasing after it, 
has reached the area at present (February 2010 AD).

Material-immaterial dimensional area → 874.1 dimensional area
Spiritual dimensional realm → 1091.1 dimensional area

Therefore, it can be seen that it is not easy to receive messages directly 
from the Creator, even for cosmic beings.

If DNA is expressed in terms of human science, it will look like this:

  See article below

God's creation is an amazing theology and art !
Isn't the universe actually expanding inside the human body ?

How on earth did they design the structure of DNA ?
All I can think of is doubts !

Moreover, all kinds of memories and data from the past, present, 
and future are written in DNA...

This is the supercomputer 京 Kyo, which was created by a Japanese person...

So which one is better ?

However, compared to the human brain, humans are inferior when it 
comes to calculation power alone.

In any case, if humans continue as they are, even if we can create 
modified humans or clones through genetic manipulation, 
we won't be able to create a single cell from scratch!

AI technology is essential to building the highly scientifically advanced civilization that God desires, but to humans who cannot control their desires,
it becomes the equivalent of a dangerous weapon.

Fake science is hated by God !
Don't touch the realm of God any further.

The only scientific discoveries made by humans are those obtained from 
the knowledge and wisdom that God has packed into the universe.

However, if a person denies God and shows no gratitude or apology, 
even if he receives the Nobel Prize, God will probably laugh at him.

It's completely disrespectful !

By the way, my future goal or dream is to be able to use ``creation work'' 
and ``alchemy,'' and to create seeds.

It's a miraculous feat of thinking about the designs of beautiful flowers,
insects, and wild birds, packing the necessary information into DNA, 
and making it material...

It's a long road, but I feel a great dream and romance.

Of course, it requires a huge amount of knowledge.
To achieve this, the first step is to raise the realm of 
the soul to the realm of God.

It is said that there are many planets in the vast universe that serve as 
testing grounds for the gods.
Earth has also become a site for various experiments.

What is called evolution is actually divinization.

In this way, a divine system that does not leak water will be built.

What did you all think ?

One thing is certain: unless we climb the steep mountain of God, 
our dreams and hopes will be extinct.

Those souls who do not wish to climb will be isolated in the 
inner worlds of Mars and Jupiter.
Please make the best choice.

I'm praying.

   Now, it's time for  " Today's Recommended Number ".

      Hotei vs Char - Stereocaster
        Herb Alpert -Beyond

