『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama 


大和民族の憂鬱 1 Melancholy of the Yamato people 1

2024年02月25日 18時06分26秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

   Hello everyone, my name is Shinzo.

 Please see the article below.

You cannot post on goo blog unless it is within 30,000 characters.
I will write this article in two parts because it will not be possible to finish it in one time when I translate it into English.

Doesn't your eyes hurt when you watch Japanese movies with English subtitles?
When I watch a foreign movie, I don't hesitate to watch the dubbed version.

This is embarrassing, but the number of foreigners who are blindly pro-Japanese is increasing, so I would like to talk about it.

My impressions of Japan are hardworking, serious, modest, kind, not bothering others, anime, manga, Japanese food, natural beauty, old shrines and temples, etc. This is a positive area.

The negative part is food safety.

There is no problem with hygiene, but for some reason additives and chemical seasonings that are prohibited overseas are commonly used in cheap foods in Japan.

Be especially careful with sweets that are full of additives.
Cheap and delicious food is something that every country should be careful about. This means that Japan is no exception.

Takemi and Ryo's video
Please refer to the  "Book Summary Channel".

It's horrifying to see, but it's important to be aware of the reality.

The following notation is located just below the video screen.

次:【ベストセラー】「自然治癒力が上がる食事」を世界一わかりやすく要約してみた【本要約】20 / 476    

To the far right of this notation, there is a symbol that indicates the bottom, so if you click on it, you can watch a number of videos related to "meals and lifestyle habits."

To those in the food industry, please bear with me.

「 Ignorance and indifference bring hell and misery!」

23日の記事にも示した通り、日本人は、シリウスA から天孫降臨したスメラミコト(天皇)の直系の民族になります。
As shown in yesterday's article, the Japanese are a direct descendant of Sumera Mikoto (Emperor), who descended from Sirius A.

For this reason, we are given the mission from birth to be the spiritual leaders of humanity.

How many people are currently aware of their holy mission?
That's very little!

However, they are carried away by the world and live their daily lives with complaints and dissatisfaction.

Men and women of all ages roam the streets, controlled by a brain damage-causing device called a smartphone...
The number of such Japanese people is increasing day by day.

Even among people who are deeply religious and visit shrines every day, most of them believe in divine blessings. They throw the coins they don't even give to their children into the offertory box and only make their own wishes. What about your usual religious beliefs?

Because of that, we are unable to receive God's signs, do not hear them, and do not notice them.

What are you going to do by leading humanity to hell?

Gods and angels basically don't help humans!

「For every 99% of human effort, God rewards 1% !」

Whatever your religion, please keep this in mind.

Please be careful when believing in divine benefits, as they are far removed from God's true intentions.

The goal of a person's soul is eternal spiritual improvement.
The goal of humanity is a scientific civilization with a highly developed spirituality.

I'm extremely embarrassed, but as one of the few sane Japanese people, I will continue to communicate as much as I can to the world through my blog.

日本を含めた世界の同志の皆様、希望の光は シリウス にあります!
Dear comrades around the world, including Japan, the light of hope lies in Sirius !
Let's concentrate our thoughts on that and move forward ! !
Let's enjoy the tough test ! ! !

Also, please spread this information as much as possible.

Japan. The land of the rising sun. The origin of the sun (spirit).
 「The land of spirits」 means that it is the birthplace of all races and people of five colors.

The Takeuchi Documents, humanity's oldest document, describes everything from the creation of the universe to the origin of humanity.
 A lot of history has been written since then.
After all, the history of the universe is well over 300 billion years.  

History books that preceded the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki include the Takeuchi Documents, the Miyashita Documents, and the Kukami Documents. Did you know?

Japan's history is incomprehensible, and the time when the Yamato Court was established is also unclear.
What on earth is going on?

According to the 「Takeuchi Documents」, even before Emperor Jinmu,
「Ugayafukia Ezucho」 is the 72nd generation.
Before that, 「Jokodai 」was the 25th generation.
Furthermore, the 「Tenjindai」 was the seventh generation.

The reign period from the first generation to the sixth generation, such as the Tenjin era, has countless chronological calendars.
The efforts of the gods who created the world are remembered.
There is no way something could be created in seven days.

For the first time in the seventh generation of Tenjin, he descended to Japan, the homeland of the spirits of the earth (three-dimensional world).

This is what is called the descent of the descendants of heaven.

The relationship between these「Takeuchi Documents」is as follows. 

「超図解」竹内文書 Ⅰ、Ⅱ/高坂和導著/徳間書店/各、1,600円
“Super Illustrated” Takeuchi Documents I, II / Written by Wado Kosaka / Tokuma Shoten / 1,600 yen each 

“Takeuchi Documents” Super Revolution in World History/Hie Takeda + Literary Archeology Association/Tokuma Shoten/1,300 yen 

https://holin.jp/wado.html    Please refer to this site.

Please check the literature such as
The text is very easy to understand and is full of interesting information.
It is full of dreams, hopes, and romance.

Although you may have many questions, I hope you understand the difficulty of accurately transmitting ancient documents to future generations. Moreover, in addition to pressure from those in power at the time, natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes, and eruptions...

In addition, how much manual labor was required to repeatedly create handwritten manuscripts? Misinterpretations, misspellings, moth-eaten corrosion, repair of tears, etc...

It is difficult to convey even a thousand years of history, which is the same for all countries.

Therefore, it is highly unlikely that all historical records spanning tens of billions of years are accurate.

What happened to the storage space for the huge amount of books?

Of course, in ancient super science and technology, there were things like 「CDs」,「crystal skulls」, etc. It's probably recorded in something like...

(Actually, there is a super gigantic crystal at the center of 「Shambhala」 which exists at the center of the Earth's inner world Agartha. This is the Earth's 「Akashic Records = Space Library」
Information from the beginning of the universe to the distant future is recorded there, and anyone with the ability to read it can view it. )

If natural disasters occur one after another, civilization will be destroyed, and advanced recording devices will be buried in the sea or underground.

Both the world emperors and the Takeuchi family must have struggled with preserving their history books.

 Even though such a process occurred, I think it is safe to assume that 60 to 70% of the story is true.

 It is completely different from fake books such as 「Kojiki」 and 「Nihon Shoki」
It is up to people whether they believe it or not.

Truth only comes to those who strive to grasp it.

What's more, it is necessary to sharpen your spiritual sensibilities and be in tune with God.

Insight, observation, reading comprehension, and imagination.
 Acquire all kinds of skills, have a deep inquisitive mind, analyze the "pattern" given to you by God, and turn it into flesh and blood.

If you do so, your spirituality will improve, your soul will shine brightly, and your vessel for receiving God's grace will grow greatly.

However, unless you give up your petty desires and give up your heavy and ugly attachments, you will not be able to become a shining and beautiful soul. Clinging to memories and past glories becomes a hindrance to training to let go of attachments.

The path of being a child of God only exists in the future!
The spirit of learning from the past is a different story...

The lifespan of our soul is eternal. This is no time to be at the mercy of decades of memories.
The final test of the soul is at hand. I have to hurry.

The fact that the current world situation is in great turmoil is nothing but progress in the Creator's grand plan.

This is because it is absolutely necessary to purify the souls of God's children and the spiritual world of the earth, which have become too polluted. This is an unstoppable decision.

This is the seventh time that the Great Misogi Harahi, a global cleansing, has been carried out.
This is also called 「Baptism of Spirit and Fire」

This is the first Great Misogi Harahi in human history.

The reason for this is that the current process of reincarnation between the material world (three-dimensional world) and the astral world (fourth-dimensional world) on the surface of the earth will no longer be possible.

After all, it will be impossible for life to survive on the Earth's surface for a while.

In order to clean up the pollution of the spiritual world on earth,
A total of 1,300 gods, 800 from the Eastern divine world and 500 from the Western divine world, are active.

(As of February 2024, the cleaning of the earth remains limited and localized. Even so, the suffering of the dead and survivors affected by the disaster is unbearable. When will a decisive catastrophe occur? It's up to humanity...)

It's really unfortunate that you can't even clean the mess yourself.
The gods, who are parents, clean it on behalf of their children.

It would be a nuisance for God the Parent to clean the room if there were a lot of children lying around in the room doing nothing.

Therefore, it is necessary for children who are a hindrance to leave the Earth.
It's a simple logic!

The cause of the Great Misogi Harahi, of course, was that God's children turned away from God and ran into selfish desires.

However, it is the Creator who gave this desire.

In the very ancient past, most humans were selfless, so they did not try to build a highly advanced scientific civilization.

( The humans referred to here were at an almost god-level state. Their mental, physical, and even supernatural abilities were highly developed, incomparably to modern humans.

Also, the climate and natural environment were quite different, so it seems that giants also existed. Nowadays, it is only natural that fossils of giants are being discovered. It wouldn't be strange if they coexisted with dinosaurs.

According to Mr. K's information, Bigfoot and the Yeti live peacefully in Agartha, the inner world of Earth. Maybe they come to take a tour of the ground occasionally out of curiosity. )

The gods of the heavenly world aimed to create a scientific civilization of love and peace with advanced science.
For this reason, he tried to build an advanced scientific civilization by giving humans desire and making them compete with each other...

Greed has caused humans to go out of control far beyond the expectations of the gods, and the acceleration of conflicts and conflicts has led to wars and self-destruction many times.

At that time, the earth was exposed to destruction and pollution.
The gods were forced to carry out a major cleansing of the earth.

In severe cases, life could not live there for Approximately 500 million years.

At such times, the imperial family, who were the emperors of the world, were evacuated to the 「 heaven's solar kingdom= Amano Hidama no Kuni(Sirius A)」 on a  spaceship.

Controlling desires seems to be troublesome even for gods, and some fall into evil gods.

The freedom to choose is given to everyone equally.
The Creator has great love for both gods and humans alike.

「God's mechanism that guides everything to good」
「Everything is God's test and God's training」

  That's how God and people grow.

 Is it the way of God ?
   Is it an evil path ? 
    There are only two paths ! 
     Or up or down !

What happens to the souls of those who have passed away after a catastrophe?

That means being reincarnated on some planet, but please see the article below for the specific answer.

Do you know this and wait for the Great Purification?
God hates other-power original prayers.

Do as much purification as possible on your own.
This is called
「active Purification = misogi harahi」

It removes dirt from the spirit, mind, and body and polishes them beautifully.
If you clean it, it won't get dirty. Let's do that.

Of course, pretense does not work with God.
You can't hide the dirt inside and your heart.

演奏は、私の一番好きなピアニスト、マウリツィオ・ポリーニ です。

Now, it's time for "Today's Recommended Number".
Today's number is Chopin's "Etudes".
It will be performed by one of my favorite pianists,
Maurizio Pollini.



The Etudes composed by Frédéric Chopin are among the most famous of all the Etudes for the piano, and there are 27 of them in total. Although it is an etude, it is a musically complete piece and is often featured in concerts. Many of his works have nicknames, but none of these nicknames were attributed to Chopin himself.

ポリーニの演奏、お聞き頂いた通り、衝撃的過ぎるほど卓越した演奏力ですね! 私が、およそ45年前にレコードを購入し、聞いた時の感動は今でも鮮明に蘇ってきます。老齢とはいえ、現在でも彼と肩を並べるピアニストは少ないと言えます。マルタ・アルゲリッチも負けてはいませんが・・・

As you have heard, Pollini's performance is shockingly outstanding! I still vividly remember the emotion I felt when I bought and listened to the record about 45 years ago. Although he is old, there are still very few pianists today who can compete with him. Martha Argerich hasn't lost either...

では、次の記事「大和民族の憂鬱 2・・・」までしばらくお待ちください。

Well then, please wait for a while until the next article, ``The Melancholy of the Yamato People 2...''.

