『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama 


宇宙根元の「 生命の樹 」の謎 1 The mystery of the 「Tree of Life」 at the root of the universe 1

2024年03月26日 15時52分54秒 | 宇宙意識に目覚めよう!

 Hello everyone, or good evening・・・

2012年9月のブログ記事一覧-『 うさぎの言霊 』 Rabbit's Kotodama  

If you speak English and are reading this blog for the first time,
we recommend that you start from the article below.

This time, I would like to consider Mr. K's article, 
「 Tree of Life = Sephirothic Tree 」and 「 Chakra 」
I'll also add some supplementary parts.

 January 25, 2010

The root of the yin-yang symbol is the “Tree of Life” at the origin of the universe.


The Tree of Life, the origin of the universe, is located at the center of the 
entire universe and appears to be floating in the non-physical ocean.

It is three large pillar-shaped things,
This also appears to be the tree itself, which is non-physical.

Let's look at each pillar of the Tree of Life from directly above, 
or if we cut it into slices.
It is said that when you look at its cross section, 
it resembles the yin-yang symbol shown in the picture above.

To put it simply, what the yin-yang symbol represents is,

★ Shadow → Black part = negative (darkness)
★ Sun     → White part = positive (light)

In other words, although they are mutually contradictory, 
they are concepts that are closely related and cannot be separated.

This represents the intertwined parts in a magatama shape.

At the tip of its magatama-like shape, there are round dots of contrasting colors.

That is, at the center of negativity (darkness),
There is a gate that leads to positivity (light).
And in the center of positivity (light) there is a 
gate that leads to negativity (darkness).

In other words, the dwellers of darkness, who are on the negative (dark) side,
 can connect to the positive (light) from the center of their heart.
Residents of light, who are on the positive (light) side, 
can connect to the negative (darkness) from the center of their hearts.
In this way, it means that there is a communication route to both sides.

Therefore, those who live in darkness can also become residents of light, 
and those who live in light can also become residents of darkness, 
and vice versa.

The fact that such a symbol exists in the "Tree of Life" at the origin 
of the universe, and what the Creator is trying to say 
to all living things in the universe, is:

“Unify the two extreme sides into one”

 That's what it means.

"Chakra" is an antenna tower for receiving spiritual signals.

 Regarding chakras, I would like to convey this briefly.

Here, we will focus on excerpts that are not written in books on earth.
This is from a medical scripture that exists in "Shambhala", 
the center of the earth's inner world "Agartha", 
with the permission of Ganesha, one of the Shambhala masters 
and known as the Hindu god.

Intuition, inspiration, or information from the higher-dimensional universe
 is first received by your own soul consciousness as an ``inner voice.''

It is received by the abdomen located below the navel, 
and then the signal is transmitted to each point called 
the chakra of the physical body and reverberates throughout the body.

Chakras are the relay points in our bodies for receiving spiritual signals 
such as intuition and inspiration.

There are eight major chakras, and I would like to explain the characteristics
of each one from the top of the physical body.

『 According to Doreen Virtue, chakras are disc-shaped and rotate
  to the right when viewed from above.
 He also seems to be like a ceiling fan attached to the ceiling.
 In addition, it seems that the rotation speed increases
  from the bottom to the top. 』

   7 chakras / general illustration


  8 Chakras / Original illustration. 
I couldn't find any images representing the eight chakras on the internet.

 Crown chakra  ( top of head deep purple)

Clairvoyance (spiritual wisdom) ability is received here.
It's a feeling that you don't necessarily have, but somehow, 
somehow, you already know.

This part is connected to the " Tree of Life " at the origin of the universe
and it is connected to "omniscience and omnipotence", as in alchemy,
 "As above, so also below."

If you continue to ignore the sensations at the top of your head, 
it will develop into a disease related to the brain.

★ Ear chakra ( ear violet )

「 They extend from the left and right ears at an angle of about 30 degrees,
  and come together at the top of the head.」

Tinnitus can occur as a result of the body's frequency adjustment or 
as a result of certain messages being received.

A message of some kind is a message from those closest to you, 
such as ancestral spirits, guardian spirits, auxiliary spirits, 
or your best spiritual guides.
Or, it refers to urgent news from family members or relatives in this world, 
or when it arrives as "insect news."

If you continue to ignore these voices and sounds, 
they can develop into ear-related diseases.

※ Auxiliary spirits → These are spirits of people who have recently passed away, 
or spirits that have come to you because they sympathize with your interests,
 hobbies, or work and want to support you.

 Third eye chakra  (  between the eyebrows, light purple )

Clairvoyance (spiritual vision) ability is accepted here.
``Visions of the past'' and ``visions of the future''
 are received as spiritual images in this part.

Signals of light, colors, symbols, numbers, precognitive abilities, 
precognitive dreams, feelings of déjà vu, etc.
 of frequencies in other dimensions are sent to this part.

Predictions of earthquakes, floods, typhoons, and natural disasters 
are also received through this area, and migraines may occur as a signal.

★ Throat chakra  ( throat sky blue )

This is where images, voices, and sounds received spiritually
 are expressed as physical voices and words.

At that time, if you continue to say expressions that are not true, 
your stuttering will become worse.

Also, stuttering will become worse if you suppress the truth and tolerate it, 
hold back without being able to say what you want to say, 
or have a tendency to lie.

If it gets worse, it can damage and inflame the throat, lead to laryngitis, 
and even develop into throat-related diseases such as laryngeal cancer.

★ Heart chakra ( center of the chest, green )

The aspects of motherhood such as love, compassion, 
and kindness are accepted here.

``Chest excitement'' occurs when you receive someone's thoughts or feelings of love,
 or as a telepathic feeling between loved ones.
This includes a tingling sensation and a throbbing sensation.

This is where we receive things such as the mutual understanding
 and tacit understanding between people who have very similar feelings.

If you continue to ignore the sensations in your chest, 
you may develop heart-related diseases.

★ Solar Plexus Chakra
( lower part of the solar plexus, bright yellow )

The ability to control is taken here.

It focuses on controlling oneself and others.
If you are not able to control yourself or try to control others more than necessary,
the lower part of your solar plexus may become irritated,
resulting in stomach pain, which can lead to stomach-related illnesses.

Also, if the feeling of restraint or dependence on others is too strong, 
it will manifest itself in the form of stomach pain or gastritis.

★ Sacral Chakra  ( sacrum orange )

This is where the ``soul consciousness'' resides, and intuition,
 inspiration, and all information from the multidimensional universe are 
first received in this area.

In other words, the soul exists in this part.

The sacrum in English is ``sacrum'', and the ``sakura'' part of ``sacrum''
 means ``cherry blossom.''

"Sakura" is a species that was born in the Sirius star system, 
and from there it was brought down to Earth.

The people who actually brought it down were the Sirius gods, 
represented by the Virgin Mary= 菊理姫=Kukurihime.

This was 78,547,352,984 years ago on the time-space axis of the
 earth's material world, going back from the current year 2010.

★ Root chakra ( lowest part of the spine, red )

It is this part that controls our ability to continue to live our lives in the 
earth's physical world with a purpose for living.

We use money as a means of living in the earth's material world.

If you are too particular about money, have too much trouble with money, 
or focus too much on money, such as playing money games, 
you will end up with lower back pain, including this part.
Furthermore, it can lead to lower back-related illnesses such as 
sciatica and herniated discs.

Just as each person has their own area of expertise, 
some people have a chakra that is most prominently developed.

First of all, it is recommended that you focus on training your chakra,
 which is considered to be the most sensitive for you.

After that, other chakras gradually develop as if to compensate
for that prominent chakra.

There are three most effective methods for chakra training, 
each of which also has the effect of purifying each chakra.

1.For 5 ∼10 minutes a day, close your eyes, face the sun, 
    take deep breaths, and let the sunlight hit your eyelids.

2.Look at the clear light blue color of the dawn sky for 5 ∼10 minutes a day.

3.If it's raining and cloudy, listen only to the sound of rain
  for 5 ∼10 minutes a day.

Third, it doesn't matter if you close your eyes or not.

Among the above, ``purification of the heart and soul'' is essential to 
prevent diseases before they develop.

 Continued in part 2.

 Now, it's time for " Today's Recommended Number ".

永遠に色褪せない名曲の数々・・・ カーペンターズをお聞きください。
Listen to the Carpenters' many masterpieces that will never fade.

青春の輝き  I Need To Be In Love   /    Superstar