the Saber Panther (サーベル・パンサー)



2021年05月17日 | プレヒストリック・メガファウナ
The two Neogene Giant Bone-Crusher Hyaenids : How similar were they?

Dinocrocuta for comparisons by Jagroar

中新世後期、ユーラシア西方から北東部地域にかけて広く分布していた骨砕き型の猛獣、ディノクロクタ gigantea と、そのコンテンポラリーファウナを描いた復元画


本種 Dinocrocuta gigantea
直近の分類研究(Xiong Wu-Yang, 2019)を経てぺルクロクタ科('疑似ハイエナ'群)から真正のハイエナ科へと組み入れられる運びとなりました。

一方、鮮新世の大型「真正」ハイエナ、パキクロクタについても、2021年3月(Liu et al., 2021)、これまでで最大の頭骨の新発見が報告されています。


I've recently learned that
Dinocrocuta gigantea, a gigantic bone crusher feliform that terrorized Eurasia during the late Miocene is now considered a part of Hyaenidae, true hyenas. ('Basicranial morphology of Late Miocene Dinocrocuta gigantea from Fugu, Shaaxi', Xiong Wu-Yang, 2019)
Very interesting. Should we also question the taxonomic validity of the family Percrocutidae('false hyenas') as a whole, or is it just Dinocrocuta?
Bone cracking forms occurred relatively late in hyaenids' evolutionary history, perhaps during the late Upper Miocene(represented by Adcrocuta), but their origin may stretch back to the middle Miocene if we accept Dinocrocuta and other percrocutids such as Percrocuta as true hyaenids.
Moreover, a bone cracking hyaenid phenotype reached its pinnacle during the Neogene, producing by far the largest and most extremely adapted forms to bone consuming: Dinocrocuta of the late Miocene and Pachycrocuta of the Pliocene, both just dwarfed Quaternary Cave Hyenas and today's Crocuta.
Come to think of it, the skulls of Dinocrocuta and Pachycrocuta, both absolutely massive, look superficially quite similar. Now I become interested in the phylogenetic relationship if any, between the two; it's going to be an interesting topic I guess.

Speaking of which, a newly discovered skull of Pachycrocuta brevirostris from northeastern Asia, reveals to be the largest of its kind(Liu et al., 'The giant short-faced hyena Pachycrocuta brevirostris from northeast Asia : A reinterpretation of subspecies differentiation and intercontinental dispersal' 2021), but I can't find out the exact measurements of the thing.

Does anyone happen to know the total skull length of this specimen?
Giant it may be, I still don't believe it will be compared to the skull of D. gigantea, the largest hyena ever(if it really was a hyena), which could top 40 cm in the total skull length... that's not going to happen.

イラスト&テキスト by ©the Saber Panther (All rights reserved)


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