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TTT11 Party

2014-03-04 | TOEIC
When I got home from my seminar today, there was an important package waiting for me. It was the item-writing assignments from the TTT11 participants.

Every year, I promise myself that I will somehow find time to do the item-writing correction in advance of the actual TTT weekend. But every year, I fail. This year's TTT10 was no exception. So, when I came home and found the TTT11 assignments sent by Mr. Irisawa of ALC, I was very pleased. On one hand, I though "Yes. I can do it this time." But when I look at my actual schedule for this week, I'm afraid I may unwittingly and unfortunately continue the tradition of missing the Saturday TTT Day 3 party.

I'll do my best, but I'm pretty sure that TTT11 will see me spending the entire night on Saturday grading the papers. Still, I promise I will do my best to finish all of the other things I must do so that I can (finally) join the TTT participants for a drink at the party after Day 3.


