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ALC TOEIC 730 Seminar

2012-08-27 | TOEIC
The past weekend was very enjoyable. We had a T730 2-day seminar at ALC Press headquarters in Eifukucho. There were exactly 100 participants. Everyone was very positive and willing to participate. The energy in the room was almost palpable. I had a great time working with the members of the seminar.

For a T730 seminar, the main focus is on the parts of the TOEIC that members can quickly control, i.e., Part 2 and Part 5. As you may know, for my best selling book (TOEICテスト直前技術 アルク), the order of presentation of the various parts of the TOEIC is unique: 2, 5, 6, 1, 7, 3, 4. The reason for this strange order is because the more you move toward the left, i.e., towards Part 2 and Part 5, the more quickly the strategies will work to help improve your TOEIC score rapidly. These parts are what I call "cookie cutter" parts, because they are always the same. 多分、一番近い日本語の比喩は金太郎飴です。That's why we spend so much time making sure that all the T730 members are comfortable with these two parts of the test. Of course, we cover the other parts of the TOEIC, too, but the main focus is on Part 2 and Part 5. For T860 seminars, the focus is different: We pay much more attention to Part 3 and Part 4.

In any case, I realized again how much I love my job. To be able to help intelligent, hard-working people attain their desired TOEIC scores, enabling them to have opportunities to communicate effectively in English in their jobs is a very satisfying undertaking for me. Many of the members expressed their appreciation by staying after the seminar to talk with me. I was very pleased to have a chance to sign their books and to get to know them better.

I hope all of the members of this past weekend's seminar are able to put the strategies and techniques we taught to good use. I look forward to hearing back from the members about the improvement in their TOEIC scores.


