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2012-05-14 | 日記
I love cooking. It is one of the things I do to relax. Or something I do to reward myself, e.g. upon finishing up a book project, like the one I just submitted to Kenkyusha last week.

One of my best dishes, maybe my best, is spaghetti and meatballs. I was particularly pleased with how nicely these meatballs turned out.

Actually, when I think about my last blog post about the health meter and losing weight, it seems as if this post is a bit contradictory, doesn't it? I mean, the concepts of losing Papapanda's "front porch" and making meatballs seem mutually exclusive. But, my new policy is to eat what I want, but just to eat less of it.

Surprisingly, I came back from 5 days in Singapore, one of the world's food capitals, having lost weight. My health meter was proud of me.


