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NUFS (名古屋外国語大学) TOEIC

2013-06-15 | TOEIC
Today I had a chance to work with students at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies. We did a compact, four-hour TOEIC seminar. The students were very positive. I enjoyed working with them very much!

One of the students who took my seminar last year also attended. He learned the strategies we presented and practiced very hard. As a result, he was able to raise his TOEIC score well over 700, which enabled him to qualify for study abroad. In September, he will attend the University of California, Riverside for one year. I am very proud of his achievement.

I am sure that this year's participants can also meet their targets, if they apply the strategies they learned by practicing, practicing, practicing. That's really the key. I have confidence that next year I can get some other similar positive reports from this year's participants.


