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Teaching Lower Level Students

2014-09-27 | TOEIC
One of the things that I struggle with is how to teach students who have low levels of English ability. To be honest, I am relatively confident that someone who is already at the 470 level can raise his or her score significantly by using our Method. However, students who are in the 300-400 range often lack both the motivation and the basic grammatical knowledge to benefit from the Method.

Many Japanese HR people are looking for the "magic bullet." They want a TOEIC course that is guaranteed to raise the scores of their employees in a short time frame. Of course, if someone is motivated, already has the requisite grammar base in place, and diligently and systematically studies, that person who almost certainly be able to achieve his or her target. But what do we do with the people who lack motivation, grammatical knowledge, and the time (or will) to study?

I think all three of those factors are intertwined. A kind of "chicken and egg" situation. If they don't feel as if they are progressing, they won't be motivated. If they aren't motivated, they won't prioritize their study, finding excuses to postpone their study sessions. Then, naturally, if they don't study, they can't develop the base knowledge they need to progress.

I'm definitely open for suggestions. I think many of you work with the type of students I am describing above. How can we reach those people who need to raise their TOEIC scores and overall English ability, but lack the motivation and basic skills they need to do so?


