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TOEFL for college entrance

2013-03-29 | TOEIC
Some very interesting news these days! It seems as though the Japanese government is going to recommend that all college-bound students take the TOEFL as part of their college entrance procedures. That is a very interesting decision. Since the TOEFL is used by universities in North America (and elsewhere, too) to ascertain a student's ability to study in an English-speaking environment, I think such a move would reinforce a continuing trend to recognize the importance of English in an increasingly diverse, globalizing world. Of course, if this move really happens, it's great for those of us who have established themselves in the field of English-language testing. Maybe even help to pay for my new son's college tuition in 19 or 20 years. But the bigger thing for me is the continuing commitment on the part of the Japanese government and education system to help Japanese students develop the language skills they need to compete in today's business world. So, I welcome this proposal.


