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Lunch with my former president

2014-02-03 | 日記
Today was a very enjoyable day. Once every two months, our company has what we call the PBK, or Panda Benkyokai. All of our team members get together to talk about topics which are important for our team.

Today was even more special, because I could have lunch with Mr. Suguro, the former president of our company who recently retired. Suguro-san has worked in Ginza for more than half of his life, so he knows many delicious spots to eat. I am always very envious when he posts pictures of the restaurants he has visited on Facebook.

So, I was really looking forward to the restaurant he would choose. Very traditional Japanese. And incredibly delicious! You can see this from the photo.

Anyway, I wish Suguro-san all the best in his future endeavors, whatever they may be. And I hope he continues to introduce me to fantastic restaurants like the one he took me to today before our PBK.
