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The King of Oshibori -- Part 2

2013-04-16 | TOEIC
Today I had to do a 日帰り. I had one meeting in the morning, and a seminar in the afternoon. It was a busy day.

Since I had some work to do on one of the new books in our Kenkyusha series, I decided again to ride in the Green Car. So, as usual, I was able to get 一本 of おしぼり王様. Then, as I was leaving the train at the terminal station, I noticed that one of the other customers had left behind his oshibori on his seat, unused in its wrapping. So, 目立たないように, I picked up and brought it with me.

Then, because my wife is, shall we say, "careful" about spending unnecessary money, I realized that I would have to justify the fact that I had 2 oshibori with me. Of course, she must think that I rode the Green Car on the way back home in the evening, getting one oshibori in the morning and one oshibori on the return trip.

Fortunately, I have the shinkansen receipts to show that I rode in the 自由席 on the way home. So, two oshiboris became お土産, but only one Green Car fare.
