

一枚のハガキ 99歳の新藤兼人監督の名作 The movie "One Postcard" by 99- year-old producer

2011-08-15 06:25:47 | 映画 movie

It is about the movie by the producer called Mr. Shindo who is 99 years old. It's title is "One Postcard" It is the movie whose lives were destinated by only one postcard to join the World War 2 that they might dir for.  So unfair & cruel!!  There were no choice whether or not to join the war at that time. 



Rotary International ロータリー・インターナショナル(国際ロータリークラブ)

2011-08-12 16:17:52 | Rotary International

私は、ロータリー財団の大学院課程奨学金で、上智大学を卒業後、アメリカの首都ワシントンDCにあるジョージタウン大学の大学院で言語学の修士修了しました。その間、ワシントンDCだけではなく、Meryland, Virginiaなども含めたコンベンションに参加しました。当時の、国際ロータリーの理事は、Mr. Tom Scogginsさんでした。私は、着物を着て親善大使として日本の文化や伝統を伝えました。Mr. Tom Scoggins さんご夫妻をはじめ、いろんなロータリアンのご家族に、ハロウィーン、クリスマス、イースター、独立記念日などの機会には、ご家庭に招いて下さり、家族のように寝食を共にし、本当に温かなホスピタリティーで、楽しい留学生活をおくらせて頂きました。特にScoggins様ご夫妻や、当時、ワシントンDCロータリークラブ会員の東ケ崎茂様 (Japan Timesの創立者のご家族)には、本当にお世話になりました。私は、そうしたRotary Internationalの社会貢献を受けた事に対して、深い感謝を込めて、私はライフワークとして「世界平和」の実現に貢献したいと考えています。ロータリー財団の取り組みとして、私のために「未来の投資」(Investment for the future)をして下さったのです。

After I graduated from Sophia University in Tokyo Japan, I continued my study at the Graduate School of Georgetown University in Washinton D.C. in the States. I owe Rotary International very much because I could made my dream to study abroad by getting the Rotary Scholarship and I went to U.S.A as a Rotary Fellow. I got M.A. in Linguistics there.  While I was at Georgetown, I attended not only many luncheon meetings in Wash. D.C area but also some joined conventions with the Rotary Clubs in Meryland & Virginia etc. dressed in Kimono. At the times of events as Halloween, Christmas, Easter and the 4th of July, various members invited me to stay their home and celebrated together just like a family member with a compassionate, warm, hospitality.  My stay was full of great pleasure & lots of fun!!.  I deeply greatful for Mr. & Mrs. Scoggins (the President of Rotary International, then) and Mr. Shigeru Togasaki (the member of Rotary Club in Wash. D.C. and a family who established Japan Times.). The scholarship of Rotary International was a investment for the tied me to my limitless potential and helped me to become my own first creator! In return, I would like to dedicate my life to World Peace.  It is not a dream, I belive.  If each one of us believe in World Peace, we can change. We can live out of our imagination instead of our suffering memoris of past wars and troubles in the world. 


It's my wish & hope that I could plant the seeds of World Peace through this blog. The picture below is me dressed in Kimono when I attanded Rotary Convention. It was when I was 23.  I made a lots of friends from all over the world in Washington.D.C. because it was the capital of the United States and those friends were young people who are in the world of diplomats and jounalism.  The friendship with them has been continued for more than 3 decades and it has been my most precious treasure.  It is much worth than my gaining M.A. in Linguistics at Georgetown University. Friendship, love, trust are invisible but eternal treasure that wwore cannot buy with money. 

これから、いつも好きな英語の言葉を書いていきたいと思います。凄く手間とかお金のかかった贈物よりも、愛情とか、心や想いのこもったひとつの言葉とか、詩とか、祈りの方が、うんとうんと人々の心を癒し、和ませ、救いとなるものではないでしょうか? 私にできる事は、私の命ある限り、天から舞い降りる「真心からの言の葉」を素直に直感で受け止め、詩や歌やお話にして、あなたに、世の中に、世界中に発信する事だけです。だから、このブログの、どこかを読んだ人が、共感して下さったり、勇気や生きていく源として、大切な一人ひとりの命を悔いなく生きていって下さったら、私は心からうれしいなあ。

My plan is to put up my favorites words, my original bilingual songs & stories in this blog.  I believe, Love, heart, a warmy heartful single word, poetry, pray etc. are much more effective to heal, warm and help the people who is sorrow and trouble than the most expensive presents.  What I could do is to get "the most sincere words from the Heven" as they are instinctively, and make them into poems, songs and stories.  What I could do is to put them up in this blog and reach out broarder global world as long as I live. So, I would be so happy I could be if there are anyone who read any parts of my blog and shared them and that could be the source of courage and hope to live out each of their lives fully.  

下の小さな写真をダブルクリックすると普通のさいずになります。最初のは、ロータリー地区大会の時、着物姿の私。右側が私です。2番目は、国際ロータリーの理事長だったMr. Tom Scogginsさんと。 4番目は、フランス、ドイツ、スイスなどからのロータリー奨学生の集まりで。 ああ、あの頃は若かった。(笑)
By double-clicking the pictures below, it enlarge.  I am the one on the right on the first picture.  The second one is me with Mr. Tom Scpggings who were the President of Rotary International. 4th one is with the Rotary Fellows. Oh my gosh! I was young then! LOL

This is Noriko with gentle words

A Smile happens quickly, but the Momory of it last forever.

Human Connection ---from Heart to Heart-- 人間の絆(心から心へ)

2011-08-05 15:40:31 | 詩 Poem


Today, I would like write one of my Peace Poems. My Japanese translation is not yet completed as I write them in English first. I appreciate any suggestions to make it better. Any responses welcome.

Human Connection  --from Heart to Heart--by Noriko Kohno (All rights reserved)

1 Peace is to take hand in hand.
  Peace is to make your friends smile.
  Peace is to join our hearts together.

* Whatever makes you happy, do the same for your family then your heart is joined by a gentle and compassionate spirit.

2 Peace is to enjoy different kinds of music.
  Peace is to keep our environment clean.
 Peace is to be gentle with your friends.

* Whatever makes you happy, do the same to your friends then your heart is joined by a gentle and compassionate spirit.

3 Peace is to share something important
  Peace is to take a look at something we cannot see.
  Peace is to believe something we cannot buy with money.

* Whatever makes you happy, do the same to those whom your heart is joined by a gentle and compassionate spirit.

4 Peace is to be free to do anything you want.
  Peace is to be just the way you are.
   Peace is to fly free to any countries.

* Whatever makes you happy, do the same to those whom your heart is joined by a gentle and compassionate spirit.

 "PEACE!!"by child's voice.


1 しあわせって、みんなと手をつなぎあうこと

 * 何かでハッピーな気持ちになれたら

2 しあわせって、いろんな音楽をみんなで楽しむこと 
 * 何かでハッピーな気持ちになれたら、友達にも同じようにしてあげて、やさしさとおもいやりのある光でつながろう

3 しあわせって、大切なことをわかちあうこと

 * 何かでハッピーな気持ちになれたら、他の人にも同じようにしてあげて、やさしさとおもいやりの光でつながろう

4 しあわせって、したい事を自由にできること

 * 何かでハッピーな気持ちになれたら、他の人にも同じようにしてあげて、優しさと思いやりの光でつながろう


これに、な、なんと、ベースの先生の、芳賀紀夫先生が、R&B調の曲をつけて下さいました!!思わず歌いながら踊りだしてしまうような楽しい曲です。絵は、渡邉友子さんが描いて下さいました!!CD付きの絵本になりました。出版したいのですが、出版社を探しています。 ビデオに取ってYoutubeにも流したいと思っています。



My dream is to make this poem a bilingual song and a picture book with CD. It would be great if I could publish it and also put it on make the world more beautiful.

Mr.Todd Parr who is a famous children book auther have send me e-mails to eccourage me to keep my work doing. One of his book titled "Peace Book" is very popular in Japan and many other countries in the world.
