フィッシング イズ ライフ-マイルスブログ 【PR】

ルアーの通信販売ならマイルストーンは要チェック。釣れるルアーからマニアックなルアーまで楽しい品揃え!  【PR】


2013-02-04 16:00:14 | マンズ

Mann’s is once again offering the famous Razorback Series of crankbaits in a limited number of the most popular sizes and colors. The Piglet, The Pig and The Deep Pig are part of the Razorback® Series of lures that fishermen depended on to fill their limits for years.

The Piglet is a small one-eighth ounce lure that dives 5-7 feet deep and is a great winter lure or when looking for Smallmouth or Spotted Bass.
The Pig is a medium sized one-fourth ounce bait that runs 4-6 feet deep and was one of the early square-lipped lures designed to bounce off structure.
The Deep Pig is also a one-fourth ounce lure that earned its reputation as an unusually deep diver for its size. With an operating depth of 8-10 feet and an enticing wobble, this deadly lure won many tournaments and made the day for countless anglers.

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