アイディ『英文教室』 柴田耕太郎 翻訳批評

『英文教室』主任講師 柴田耕太郎による翻訳批評


2011年03月04日 14時28分40秒 | 誤訳に学ぶ英文法

そんな読者のために、人気小説の翻訳書に見る誤訳・悪訳をとりあげ、文法面から解説してゆく。題材は最近映画化された『チョコレート工場』の原作者で、日本がロケ地になった映画『007 は二度死ぬ』の脚本家でもあるロアルド・ダール(Roald Dahl)の短編から任意に選ぶ。いずれも原文で10ページに満たない短いものだから、読者も自分で訳してみて、この解説を参考に、市販訳との優劣を競ってみてはいかがだろうか。
今回取り上げるのは、原書THE COLLECTED SHORT STORIES of Roald Dahl(Penguin)に所収のAh, Sweet Mystery of Life『ああ、甘美なる生命の神秘よ』。これは邦訳が出ていないようなので、優秀な翻訳志望者Wさんの訳文をたたき台とする。

*** 致命的誤訳(原文を台無しにする)
** 欠陥的誤訳(原文の理解を損なう)
* 愛嬌的誤訳(誤差で許される範囲)

*** 致命的悪訳(原文を台無しにする)
** 欠陥的悪訳(原文の理解を損なう)
* 愛嬌的悪訳(誤差で許される範囲)


この何年か、本コラムにてロアルド・ダールの短編の諸翻訳家による訳文を検討してきたが、どれも満足できる出来とはいいかねる。どの業界でもプロとアマの差は歴然としてあるはずだが、翻訳業界はどうなのか。AH, SWEET MYSTERY OF LIFE は邦訳がでていないようなので、若い翻訳志望者Wさんの訳文を検討する。

My COW STARTED bulling at dawn and the noise can drive you crazy if the cowshed is right under your window. So I got dressed early and phoned Claud at the filling-station to ask if he'd give me a hand to lead her down the steep hill and across the road over to Rummins's farm to have her serviced by Rummins's famous bull.
Claud arrive five minutes later and we tied a rope around the cow's neck and set off down the lane on this cool September morning. There were high hedges on either side of the lane and the hazel bushes had clusters of big ripe nuts all over them.
'You ever seen Rummins do a mating?' Claud asked me.
I told him I had never seen anyone do an official mating between a bull and a cow.
'Rummins does it special,' Claud said. 'There's nobody in the world does a mating the way Rummins does it.'
'What's so special about it?'
'You got a treat coming to you,' Claud said.
'So has the cow,' I said.
'If the rest of the world knew about what Rummins does at a mating,' Claud said, 'he'd be world famous. It would change the whole science of dairy-farming all over the world.'
'Why doesn't he tell them then?' I asked.
'I doubt he's ever even thought about it,' Claud said. 'Rummins isn't one to bother his head about things like that. He's got the best dairy-herd for miles around and that's all he cares about. He doesn't want the newspapers swarming all over his place asking questions, which is exactly what would happen if it ever got out.'
'Why don't you tell me about it,' I said.
We walked on in silence for a while, the cow pulling ahead.
'I'm surprised Rummins said yes to lending you his bull,' Claud said.
'I've never known him do that before.'
At the bottom of the lane we crossed the Aylesbury road and climbed up the hill on the other side of the valley towards the farm.
The cow knew there was a bull up there somewhere and she was pulling harder than ever on the rope. We had to trot to keep up with her.

'So what you're saying,' I said, 'is that the sun exerts a pull of some sort on the female sperm and makes them swim faster than the male sperm.'
'Exactly!' cried Rummins. 'That's exactly it! It exerts a pull! It drags them forward!
That's why they always win! And if you turn the cow round the other way, it's pulling them backwards and the male sperm wins instead.'
'It's an interesting theory,' I said. 'But it hardly seems likely that the sun, which is millions of miles away, could exert a pull on a bunch of spermatozoa inside a cow.'
'You're talking rubbish! cried Rummins. 'Absolute and utter rubbish! Don't the moon exert a pull on the bloody tides of the ocean to make 'em high and low? Of course it does!
So why shouldn't the sun exert a pull on the female sperm?'
'I see your point.'
Suddenly Rummins seemed to have had enough. 'You'll have a heifer calf for sure,' he said, turning away. 'Don't you worry about that.'
'Mr Rummins,' I said.
'Is there any reason why this shouldn't work with humans as well?'
'Of course it'll work with humans,' he said. 'Just so long as you remember everything's got to be pointed in the right direction. A cow ain't lying down you know. It's standing on all fours.'
'I see what you mean.'
'And it ain't no good doing it at night either,' he said, 'because the sun is shielded behind the earth and it can't influence anything.'
'That's true,' I said, 'but have you any sort of proof it works with humans?'
Rummins laid his head to one side and gave me another of his long sly, broken-toothed grins. 'I've got four boys of my own, ain't I?' he said.
'So you have.'
'Ruddy girls ain't no use to me around here,' he said. 'Boys is what you want on a farm and I 've got four of 'em, right?'
'Right,' I said, 'you're absolutely right.'
「つまり、太陽にはメスを作る精子を引き寄せ、オスを作る精子よりも早く卵子に到着で きるようにする力があるということか?」
「その通り」ルムンズが声を張って言った。「その通りだよ。太陽が引き寄せるんだ。メ スを作る精子を。だからいつもオスを作る精子に勝つのさ。太陽に背を向けると、メスを作る精子が後ろへ引っ張られることになるから、それでオスを作る精子が勝つんだ」
「おもしろい仮説だけど、何百マイルも彼方にある太陽が、雌牛の腹の中の精子を引き寄 せるなんて無理じゃないか」「なにバカなこと言ってるんだ」ルミンズが怒鳴った。「本当に救いようのないバカだな。潮の満ち干きだって月が引き寄せてるんじゃないのか。そうだろ。なのに、太陽には精子を引き寄せる力がないって言うのか?」
