シュレーゲルの祈り Schlegel's Prayer



2005年09月22日 | Weblog

JINGASA-HAMUSHI 2 (Cassida versicolor) Chrysomelidae
I managed to put multiple pictures on one entry. It is quite tedious though.
There are some similar species, so it is hard to determine the anotation.
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2005年09月22日 | Weblog

Larva 2
At the same place I saw the larva in edema, I found a red one hanging down on a thred. The red color looks brilliant, and it looks different from the one I saw last time, which was yellow. It seems like it can get out by itself. It makes sense to live inside of leaf. It can devour leaf under protection.
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2005年09月22日 | Weblog

ARI-GUMO (Myrmarachne japonica) Salticidae.
I never really taken pictures of ants. There is no reason, but I just never felt like it. When I walked back to the place I saw the larva, there was an ant. Somehow, I felt like taking a picture, just for change. As I moved the file to computer and watch, I found there is something wrong. It has got eight legs. I heard about that there are spiders who mimics ants, but never thought I get deceived. Looking at its face, it really is a spider. The second pair of its legs looks transparent. Is it trying to hide them so it looks like an insect with six legs? Incredible..
So, I failed to take a picture of ants.
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2005年09月22日 | Weblog

A tree in my garden got edemata on its leaves. I opened up one of them, just out of curiousity and found a larva, of a fly or a bee maybe? I felt sorry for it. Hopefully it can crawl back into the leaf.
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